Page 14 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, OCTObEr 13, 2023 ~ Political Announcement ~ DiVirgilio runs for Precinct 10 TM seat Dear voters, I have lived in Saugus for over 40 years and currently reside here. I have been a member of the Finance committee and I have served on Town Meeting for Precinct 10 from 2017 to 2021. Based on current events, I am compelled to run for Town Meeting again. Dear Precinct 10 Voters - ASKS | FROM PAGE 12 as its chair since 2019. “If I could change anything in town I would create a position in which a person is in charge of town communications to the public and uses social media and the press, and other means to alert the community to all upcoming events, summarize the outcome of all the board and committee meetings, communicate all important dates and THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 13 Saugus Garden Club meets Wednesday The Saugus Garden Club’s October meeting will be Wednesday, Oct. 18 at 1 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church (265 Central St.). The meeting is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served at 12:45 p.m. Our speaker comes to us from the Massachusetts Master Gardeners’ Society. A gardener for more than 40 years, Barb McIntosh has been a Massachusetts Master Gardener since 2016. She is a former volunteer Head Steward in the Trial Garden at Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s Gardens at Elm Bank. She is also a principal contributor in the Northeast Correctional Center (NECC) Concord Mass. Horticultural program where inmates are trained on vegetable gardening and landscaping techniques with the hope that they will be able to secure a job upon release. Barb is presently bringing the horticulture program to Pondville prison. The Prison Program provides an opportunity to dedicated Master Gardeners who want to make a difference with incarcerated individuals. They partner with the Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC) in providing successful horticulture programs in four DOC prisons to provide training and development to incarcerated individuals while they are in prison PLEASE WAKE UP AND STOP VOTING FOR CANDIDATES IN THE PRECINCT AND IN EAST SAUGUS WHO DO NOT REPRESENT YOUR INTERESTS. Dear Saugus Voters - PLEASE REALIZE THAT CONVERTING FROM A TOWN TO A CITY INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: The power of Town Meeting as a legislative body is reduced to Zero. deadlines. It would also include police, fire, and DPW communications, school event and sports info and seasonal situations such as leaf pickup and snow removal updates. All in one place and transparent. This would be after all the priorities that make this town function properly were addressed.” Thomas E. Traverse, who is also a Town Meeting member seeking another term in Precinct 8. He’s had extensive into ready them for work in the green industry upon release. Town Democrats meet Oct. 18 The Saugus Democratic Town Committee will hold its monthly meeting Wednesday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. in the Police Training Room at the Saugus Public Safety Building (27 Hamilton St.). Members of the public are welcome to attend. The primary function of the Committee is the support of Democratic candidates for office, both locally and at the state level. For questions contact saugusdtc@gmail.com SAVE Selectmen candidates forum Oct. 25 Saugus Action Volunteers for the Environment (SAVE) will sponsor a forum for candidates for the Board of Selectmen on Wednesday, Oct. 25, starting at 7 p.m. at the Saugus Town Hall Auditorium (298 Central St.). Doors will be open to the public at 6:30 p.m. for this free event. As we have in the past, SAVE provides this public-service forum for candidates for the Board of Selectmen so that each candidate can share their views of the critical environmental issues facing our town. The event will also be televised live on Comcast Channel 8 by SCTV in order to reach as many residents as possible. In addition, the public will be able to view the event the following day at https://vimeo.com/saugustelevision. SAVE hopes the Decision making power is relegated into a few hands that cannot get a job in the private sector. As a city we would have more involvement from the Feds and outside interests. The Saugus town budget now exceeds $100 million dollars. Political hacks are motivated more than ever to get control of how the money is spent in volvement in Saugus government. He currently chairs the Zoning Board of Appeals, serves on the Commission on Disabilities, the Town Manager’s Economic Development Committee and the Saugus Affordable Housing Trust. He is also a member of the Moving Saugus Forward Committee. “First thing is a ‘game stopper’ for me. Saugus must remain a Town with a Town Meeting Government. Statements have been public will plan to join us for this informative event. For more information about SAVE, please contact Ann at http://adevlin@aisle10.net. You can also visit our website at http://www.saugussave.com or follow the link to our Facebook page. Thanksgiving at Saugus United Parish Food Pantry – sign up for a Thanksgiving meal box Register in person by Friday, Nov. 10, at the times and dates listed below for a meal box that includes a turkey, fresh produce, dessert and other staples (50 Essex St. in Saugus). Fridays: 9:30-11:00 a.m. during Food Pantry: October 13, 20, 27; November 3 and 10. Wednesdays: 6:00-7:00 p.m. – sign up only, no Food Pantry: Saugus. Love him or hate him - Scott Crabtree has done a good job; his track record [as Town Manager] speaks for itself. Saugus needs to keep him as Town Manager. I have known Scott for 10 years professionally and disagree with him as much as I agree with him. If I can use one word to describe him it made that if the Town Manager is elected, instead of Selectman appointed, we can no longer be considered a Town, I believe this will be determined to be incorrect. The current Manager’s contract is expiring in three years, he will have served most of seventeen years, and will be fully vested in his pension. The Town will need to move forward, Town Managers in the current Charter have simply too much power, power and authority and it November 1 and 8. Able to donate or volunteer? Give thanks by helping us to support our neighbors and strengthen our communities! Contact office@cliftondalecc. org to set up a food drive or volunteer. Donate by Friday, November 10: jarred or canned gravy, cranberry sauce, canned veggies, canned fruit, boxed stuffing mix, boxed mashed potatoes, boxed mac & cheese, corn bread mix. Other nonperishable foods like pasta, rice, canned soup, canned beans, etc. are also welcome. Volunteer Friday, November 17 from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. and/or Saturday, November 18 from 7 a.m.-12 p.m.: help to sort, pack and distribute. would be integrity. I consider myself open minded and not persuaded by the kool-aid drinkers, sheeps and political hacks of Saugus. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought from these Saugus political hacks. needs to be spread out between Selectmen and Town Meeting. The current Town Manager has led us through some challenging times. We certainly do not want to move forward with a Town Manager with near absolute power, felonious actions (prior Manager’s). Maybe time to directly elect a Town Manager that will be held accountable by the Citizens of Saugus.” ASKS | SEE PAGE 16 Candidates’ announcements on Saugus TV Saugus TV cordially invites candidates for the Saugus Board of Selectmen and School Committee to take advantage of our three-minute speech opportunities at Saugus TV. This is an excellent chance for you to introduce yourself to the community and share your vision for the upcoming election. Our state-of-the-art studio, conveniently located at 30 Main Street, will be available to candidates to deliver their speeches. To secure your time slot, kindly get in touch with Rachel Brugman, Saugus TV’s Operations Manager, at 781231-2883 or R.Brugman@SaugusTV.org. All speeches must THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 16 Law Offices of JOSEPH D. 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