Page 4 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, SEpTEmbEr 30, 2022 For Great Avertising Rates, Call 781-233-4446 Join us at our ~ FLEA MARKET ~ JACK SATTER HOUSE 420 Revere Beach Boulevard, Revere (Next to Kelly’s Roast Beef) SUNDAY, OCT. 2 * 10 AM to 2 PM BARGAINS GALORE! Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 The COVID-19 Update Town reports 37 newly confirmed cases; one new death By Mark E. Vogler T here were 37 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases over the past week through Wednesday (Sept. 28), according to Town Manager Scott C. Crabtree. That’s five more new cases in town than reported last week by the state Department of Public Health (DPH), increasPERMITTABLE | FROM PAGE 2 co, whose district includes 45 percent of Revere and all of Winthrop. The Suuberg letter notes that “Any future proposals for expansion would require a modification to the facility’s site assignment and approval from MassDEP and the Saugus Board of Health.” “As the landfill is located within an Area of Critical Environmental Concern ing the overall total to 9,908 confirmed cases, according to Crabtree. There have been more than 1,125 confirmed cases over the past 23 weeks (which averages out to about 49 per week) as the virus continues to hang around, causing some people to keep wearing masks at Town Hall even though they are optional. M eanwhile, t he state reported one new COVID-19-related death in Saugus over the past seven days, increasing the overall total to 96 deaths since the outbreak of the Coronavirus in March of 2020. “Our hearts and prayers go out to those families affected by this health pandemic,” Crabtree said. Our 50th Anniversary Dan 1972 R.Y.O. TOBACCO ---------TUBES CIGAR SMOKERS DELIGHT! 15 Handmade Cigars - Long Leaf - individually wrapped plus a $19. Surprise $43.95 ~ Humidor Special ~ Holds up to 25 Cigars. Includes Ashtray, Cigar Cutter, Leather Pocket Cigar Holder, Hygromoter and Humidor. Regularly Priced $149.95 REDUCED PRICE $99.95 * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES A.B.C. CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 STORE HOURS: Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sunday & Holidays: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM We Sell Cigars & Accessories Buy Cigars by the Box & SAVE! Competitive prices on all Brands, Great Selection Chris 2022 State Rep. Jeffrey Turco (D-Winthrop) said he doesn’t believe there’s an appetite in the State House to change laws that would allow WIN Waste Innovations to expand its ash landfill. (Saugus Advocate photo by Mark E. Vogler) (ACEC), an expansion of the landfill (including vertical expansion) would need to meet the site suitability criteria in the Regulations with respect to the site assignment,” Suuberg continued. “While an applicant is free to propose a site assignment modification, and MassDEP will review information submitted, based upon the information presently before MassDEP, the facility fails to meet the necessary site suitability criteria to allow for expansion within the ACEC and therefore would not receive a positive site suitability determination,” he wrote. “Without a positive site suitability determination from MassDEP, a proposal to amend the facility’s site assignment to allow for vertical expansion would not advance to the Saugus Board of Health for consideration.” One of the panelists at the forum – Kirstie Pecci, the executive director of Just Zero, an organization seeking to advance community-centered Zero Waste solutions – stressed that current laws wouldn’t allow a landfill to be built in the Rumney Marsh and wouldn’t allow a landfill to be built the way WIN’s ash landfill was built. If MassDEP determines that a site is suitable, the Saugus Board of Health would decide whether to grant a site assignment. “The rest of this cannot happen without a positive site suitability by MassDEP,” Pecci said. “Commissioner Suuberg went out of his way to write a letter he didn’t have to write…. The law would have to change here,” she said. Where do the lawmakers stand? Precinct 10 Town Meeting Member Peter Manoogian asked Giannino and Turco whether they would support changing the laws, thus enPERMITTABLE | SEE PAGE 5
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