THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, SEpTEmbEr 30, 2022 ~ Letter-to-the-Editor ~ Page 5 “WE STAND UNITED,” the Saugus Faith Community declares, condemning anti-Semitic banner Dear Editor: Recently, a small group of masked white nationalists displayed an anti-Semitic banner across U.S. Route 1 in our community. Although it appears they were not from Saugus, their action illustrates the scope of hatred that has become endemic in our society. Hateful and divisive rhetoric of this type is spreading across our country; a country founded on the principles of religious freedom. PERMITTABLE | FROM PAGE 4 abling WIN to proceed with expansion of its ash landfi ll, which is estimated to reach full capacity in late 2025 or early 2026. “Absolutely not,” Giannino answered. “Absolutely not,” Turco replied. Manoogian asked state Rep. Donald Wong (R-Saugus) whether he would support any change in the law that would allow WIN to expand the ash landfi ll. “When I speak, you’ll hear my answer,” Wong replied. Wong read from a prepared statement when he went to the lectern to address the forum. “I trust the Board of Health and DEP to do their jobs,” Wong said. “We want you to make decisions based on science and data, which I know you will do,” he said. He also said he supported “a public/ private partnership between the town and WIN Waste.” Some Saugus residents and citizens from neighboring towns dread what happens after the landfi ll is closed. “Ballard Street and Route 107 will be inundated with trash trucks,” Precinct 10 Town Meeting Member Peter Delios said. Delios, who was among the Landfi ll Subcommittee members who voted to recommend WIN’s proposed HCA to the Board of Selectmen, insists that he’s “neutral” on the issue. “I made a vote to move it to selectmen…A few of my constituents got angry with me and I became Public Enemy Number One,” he said. Saugus Board of Selectmen Vice Chair Debra Panetta served as facilitator of We, members of the Saugus Faith Community (SFC), denounce the bigoted act of the white nationalists and stand in solidarity with our Jewish brothers and sisters. Our faith teaches us that we are all created equal in God’s family. It teaches us the importance of “loving our neighbors as we love ourselves,” and that we are one Family within one Creation. There is no room for intolerance of any type. That is one of the guiding princithe forum, introducing the speakers and monitoring the night’s agenda, so that everyone who wanted to speak or ask questions was recognized. Panetta, a longtime critic of the trash-to-energy plant and one of the two selectmen who opposed approval of the HCA with WIN – and specifi cally expansion of the ash landfi ll – suggested that it’s time to assemble a closure committee to oversee activities once the landfi ll is closed. Rep. Turco said there’s a process that will be followed when the landfi ll eventually closes. He said it’s “a 30year process of monitoring the landfi ll and making sure the landfill’s integrity isn’t compromised.” MassDEP’s Worrall said that whatever is in the ash landfi ll will remain. “The ash won’t be removed and will ples of all major faiths. It is the message clearly found in the Bible and other major religious texts. We pray for those who fi nd it necessary to elevate themselves by attempting to marginalize others. Their strategy will not succeed because in the end, light overcomes darkness; love overcomes hatred; and good overcomes evil. Saugus Catholics Collaborative; Rev. Jason Makos; Deac. Francis Gaff ney continue to be monitored.” Rep. Giannino said it will be time to focus on recycling, composting and other alternatives to burning. “What’s next in Saugus isn’t unique in Saugus,” she said. The Alliance for Health and the Environment represents local public offi cials from Saugus and Revere and state and local environmental organizations concerned about waste incineration and trash disposal in Saugus. The Alliance focuses on raising awareness about public health and environmental impacts of waste incineration and associated ash disposal activities, reducing pollution associated with waste incineration and ash disposal and promoting environmental justice for communities impacted by waste incineration and ash disposal. DRIVE IT - PUSH IT - TOW IT! Cold Hard Cash for Your Vehicle! RIVE IT - PUSH IT - TOW IT $$ CASH FOR YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR SUV! $$ Get your vehicle Winter Ready! We Offer A Complete Safety Check! • Coolant Special with Oil Change • Top Off All Fluids Gt hil Wit Rd • Synthetic Blend Oil Change 2010 JEEP WRANGLER SAHARA 2011 MERCEDES BENZ ML350 Only $79.95 Six Cylinder, Auto., 4X4, Excellent Condition, Most Power Options, Clean Title, Only 170K Miles! 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