SAUGUS Check out the NEW ADVOCATE ONLINE: www.advocatenews.net OCODDV C TECATAT Vol. 25, No. 38 -FREE- www.advocatenews.net Published Every Friday 781-233-4446 Friday, September 23, 2022 HONORING WAR’S FORGOTTEN HEROES A $30 million savings? Selectmen approve a tentative deal with WiN Waste innovations that would eliminate tipping fees for waste disposal in return for 20 more years of ash landfi ll By Mark E. Vogler T he Board of Selectmen this week approved a Host Community Agreement (HCA) with WIN Waste Innovations that enables the company to extend the life of the ash landfi ll adjacent to its trash-to-energy plant on Route 107 by two decades. But the amended HCA which selectmen supported by a slim 3-2 vote on Tuesday night (Sept. 20) includes substantial changes – including a provision that the Town of Saugus receive free tipping fees for waste disposal over the life of the agreement. The town currently pays about $900,000 in annual tipping fees to WIN Waste Innovations. But the annual savings to the town could be considerably more if the agreement receives the required backing of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Aff airs (MassDEP), the Peabody Veterans Memorial High School Air Force Junior ROTC Captain Jaydyn Bardina (right) sprinkled salt onto a bread plate – to symbolize the veterans’ family’s tears as they wait and remember – as Chief Master Sgt. Taylor Lemaire looked on during last Friday’s (Sept. 16) POW/ MIA Ceremony at Veterans Park. Please see inside for story and more photos of the Saugus Veterans Council honoring prisoners of war and service members who are missing in action. (Saugus Advocate photo by Tara Vocino) ~ Home of the Week ~ MALDEN....SPACIOUS 6 room Family Colonial features 3 generous size bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, 4 year old kitchen with granite counters, ceramic tile backsplash and laminate flooring, spacious living room open to dining room, large, welcoming foyer, two heated sunrooms, mini split air conditioning units, wood flooring, spacious, entertainmentsize deck, 1 car shared garage (it is actually a two car garage - one side owned by owner, the other side owned by neighbor), located in desirable neighborhood on Medford line. Come make this one your own! Offered at $599,900 335 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906 (781) 233-7300 View the interior of this home right on your smartphone. View all our listings at: CarpenitoRealEstate.com Board of Health and Town Manager Scott C. Crabtree. “My estimate is somewhere between $20-$25 million over 20 years, on the low end and $30 million on the mid to upper level,” Selectman Jeff rey Cicolini told The Saugus Advocate of the potential savings to the town as a result of the amendment he crafted. Cicolini, who said he opposed the agreement offered by WIN Waste Innovations and recommended by the Board of Health’s Landfi ll Subcommittee, recommended these changes: • Elimination of the $15 million lump sum payment to the town within 30 days of obtaining final approval to operate the landfi ll beyond the current Valley Fill expiration date of December 2025. Cicolini changed the lump sum to $1 million. MILLION SAVINGS | SEE PAGE 2 $3.379 $3.999 $4.259 $4.689

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