Page 2 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, SEpTEmbEr 23, 2022 MILLION SAVINGS | FROM PAGE 1 • The agreement will not exceed 20 years – not the 25 years in the deal offered by WIN Waste. • Eliminating the tipping fees paid by Saugus to WIN Waste for residential waste disposal during the entire agreement, which would begin at the end of 2025 when the landfill is expected to reach its capacity. • The removal of the provision that stipulates WIN Waste would reduce the amount it pays the town if the company is required to invest more than $5 milSaugus selectmen listen as WIN Waste Innovations’ Vice President of Environment, Jim Connolly, explains the economic benefits that Saugus would receive under a Host Community Agreement. (Saugus Advocate photos by Mark E. Vogler) lion due to regulatory requirements or capital improvements. Under Cicolini’s amendment, the town’s benefits would not be decreased if WIN Waste is required to pay more than $5 million for major upgrades of the plant. “I do not share the view 425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut St. We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-8 p.m. Sunday Monday Tuesday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Wednesday Thursday Friday Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Private Parties Private Parties 4-11 p.m. Saturday 12-11 p.m. $9.00 $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE that this vote tonight has anything to do with the support of or approval of extending the ash landfill,” Cicolini told his colleagues before offering his amendment. “I’ll say it again. If the DEP asks me my opinion, I would prefer to not see expansion of the ash landfill. I don’t know how many times I can say that and, hopefully, have it sink in to individuals, but I can tell you this has nothing to do [with HCA].” “My vote is for my role on the Board of Selectmen as a chief policy maker and as the highest elected board in town, because it’s a host agreement that would require our approval … There has to be some kind of trust in the Board of Health and the DEP, who know a lot more about this stuff than I ever will and I care to,” he said. While he opposes expansion of the ash landfill, Cicolini said he supported an amended agreement based on the improvements at the plant “although not the same as building a new facility.” He said he hopes MassDEP and Board of Health make sure all of the health and environmental impact concerns are addressed. Board of Selectmen Chair Anthony Cogliano and Selectman Corinne Riley voted in favor of Cicolini’s amendment. Board of Selectmen Vice Chair Debra Panetta and Selectman Michael Serino – both staunch opponents of any expansion of the ash landfill – voted against it. WIN Waste “pleased” with the vote WIN Waste Innovations offered no immediate reaction after Tuesday night’s vote but issued a brief statement on Wednesday (Sept. 21) expressing satisfaction with the vote. “We are pleased that the Board of Selectmen approved a Host Community Agreement (HCA) for continued use of the ash monofill that will deliver substantial economic, environmental and community benefits to Saugus,” said WIN Waste Innovation’s Vice President of Environment, Jim Connolly. “As with any agreement of this kind, there are details of the HCA to finalize and we look forward to doing so in the coming days and weeks. We thank the Board of Selectmen for facilitating a substantive, comprehensive and transparent discussion and for creating a framework for a mutually beneficial public-private partnership between Saugus and WIN Waste for years to come,” Connolly said. “We are grateful for, and humbled by the large number of Saugus residents who took the time, in both letters and attendance at Board of Selectmen and Committee meetings, to voice their support for the HCA,” he said. MILLION SAVINGS | SEE PAGE 4
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