THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, AUGUST 4, 2023 Page 9 The Sounds of Saugus By Mark E. Vogler Good morning, Saugus! I am happy to report that a Saugus resident made quite an impression on folks who turned out last weekend for the 19th annual International Sand Sculpting Festival on Revere Beach. Deborah Barrett-Cutulle won “The People’s Choice Award.” She was only one of two New Englanders among the sand sculptors displaying their artwork on the beach from Friday through Sunday (July 28-30). Her piece was a three-part sculpture, “Embracing Our Differences,” featuring images of Asians, Caucasians and people of color. And, as it turned out, Deborah’s work was the favorite among festival visitors who voted on what they thought was the best work. “A lot of people were saying they really like the message it was sending,” Barrett-Cutulle told Advocate photographer/writer Tara Vocino Wednesday night. Each sculpture is being hugged by people of different ethnicities, as shown by their hairstyle. The various sizes are symbolic of our society, and how we’re all different, according to Barrett-Cutulle. Barrett-Cutulle has been doing sand sculpting at the festival for years. And local papers have run a number of stories and photos chronicling her work. But it is always great when a Saugus resident does something remarkable that gets people’s attention in a positive way. Congratulations, Deborah Barrett-Cutulle, for getting recognized as “The People’s Choice” at an event that draws competition from around the country and around the world. Well Done! Town Election Watch Another week has passed in Saugus’ preliminary election campaign – the pulling of nomination papers from Town Clerk Ellen Schena’s office. As of yesterday (Thursday, August 3), three more potential candidates came forward to pull papers. Selectman Michael Serino pulled papers in what appears to be a reelection bid. Stacey Marie Herman-Dorent pulled papers for one of the five Town Meeting seats in Precinct 1. Former Town Meeting Member Steven C. DiVirgilio has pulled nomination papers as a candidate in Precinct 10. Nothing is official yet. Each of these candidates may run or decide not to. They have about six weeks – up until 5 p.m. on September 19 – to submit nomination papers to the Town Clerk’s Office for certification of signatures. Fifty certified signatures of registered voters are required for the Board of Selectmen, School Committee and the Housing Authority. Only 10 certified signatures of registered voters are required for Town Meeting, but each of the signatures must be from registered voters in the candidate’s precinct. September 15 is the final day to obtain nomination papers – just four days before the filing deadline. Stay tuned. Time to step up, Saugus citizens! Every two years, the town has its local elections. There are seats to fill on the Board of Selectmen, the School Committee, the Housing Authority and the Annual Town Meeting. Too often, aspiring local politicians just set their sights on the most glamorous of the positions – the Board of Selectmen. And if they don’t win, they move on without trying to serve the town in another capacity, which is just as important. There are 50 seats up for grabs in the election for Town Meeting – five members for each of the 10 town precincts. Under the Town Charter, it’s a very important position. The 50 members vote on the budget each year, approve zoning changes and vote on a number of warrant articles of townwide importance. Unfortunately, there was no competition two years ago in five of the town’s 10 precincts. Everyone who made the ballot got elected. With all the important issues in town, it’s time for civic-minded citizens who care about their community to run for Town Meeting. What a noble cause if you want to do something that’s good for your community. Be one of 50 members who approve the town budget. All you have to do is get 10 signatures from people in your precinct and then go knocking on doors in your neighborhood and ask residents what they would like to see the town do to improve itself. The Navy Band is coming! Peter A. Rossetti Jr. of the Friends of Breakheart announced this week that Breakheart Reservation will again be hosting the Navy Band – on Saturday, August 19, at 6 p.m. “Should be a good Four “Shout Outs” from Jeanie Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member Jeanie Bartolo, who instigated The Saugus Advocate “Shout Out” feature and is a frequent “Shout Out” contributor, offered four this week: “A ‘Shout Out’ to Mark Vogler, Editor of The Advocate, for the three great uplifting stories in last week’s edition. “A “Shout Out” to Maddie (Gould) Armstrong, who is the Aunt of School Committee Member Dennis Gould, on her memories of growing up on the Gould family farm and all they did to stay together and survive hard times. “A “Shout Out” for the great SHE’S A BEAUTY: Red-spotted purple butterfly (Limenitis arthemis astyanax) took a rest this week. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate by Joanie Allbee) time, provided the weather holds. Blankets and mosquito spray are a good idea,” Rossetti said. The Navy Band has long been a summertime attraction at Breakheart. This year, Rhode Island Sound will be playing the music. Here’s some preliminary information that the Friends provided on the band: “Rhode Island Sound is the most contemporary sounding group from Navy Band Northeast. This ensemble entertains audiences with music ranging from rhythm and blues to classic rock. Performing current popular music at high schools throughout New England, Rhode Island Sound also performs public concerts at a variety of venues. Their versatility and showmanship have always kept them in great demand since their inception in 1974.” Stay tuned for more details as they become available. Greg King Memorial Fund 4th Motorcycle Ride The Greg King Memorial Fund 4th Motorcycle Ride is set for August 6 at the Saugus-Everett Elks. The fund is dedicated to helping erase the stigma of addiction. Besides the ride, there will be a pig roast, DJ, Raffles and 50/50. Proceeds from the event will be given to Healthy Streets serving Lynn and other communities. story on the six couples who each celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversaries; Gordy & Deb Shepard, Paul & Karen Carney, Bernie & Patty Doherty, Rob & Rosa Follis, Jim & Kathleen Cronin, and Jim & Debbie Guidi. Congratulations and may you all have many more anniversaries shared together! “This last “Shout Out” goes to The Old Sachem column’s author Bill Stewart on his wonderful article on Revere Beach. I am a history buff but I certainly learned a lot I didn’t know about Revere Beach.” Want to “Shout Out” a fellow Saugonian? This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out – in a brief mention – remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents or an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email (mvoge@comcast.net) with a mention in the subject line of “An Extra Shout Out.” No more than a paragraph; anything longer might lend itself to a THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 13 Law Offices of JOSEPH D. CATALDO, P.C. “ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW” • ESTATE/MEDICAID PLANNING • WILLS/TRUSTS/ESTATES • INCOME TAX PREPARATION • WEALTH MANAGEMENT • RETIREMENT PLANNING • ELDER LAW 369 Broadway Everett, MA 02149 (617)381-9600 JOSEPH D. CATALDO, CPA, CFP, MST, ESQUIRE. AICPA Personal Financial Specialist Designee

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