Page 10 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, AUGUST 4, 2023 Belgium resident Hanneke Supply won second place for “Trapped in Your Own Mind, the Way Out is Through the Heart.” FESTIVAL | FROM PAGE 1 enough. Usually, the sculptures last one to three weeks after the festival, but heavy rain Saturday night did some serious damage. Vendors of all kinds lined Revere Beach Boulevard, including a truck from Kowloon. Operations Manager John Chang reported steady business. “Everybody knows Kowloon,” he said. His days started at 7 a.m. at the Saugus restaurant, stocking the truck, and ended near midnight after unloading and cleaning. A Ferris wheel near the Revere Beach subway station and bandstand evoked memories of when Revere Beach was full of arcades and rides. Local politicians were also taking in the sights. “The festival is a huge highlight of our summers and a huge boost for small businesses,” Revere’s Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe said. “Every year I’m more and more amazed by the creativity. It highlights how beautiful Revere and Revere Beach are.” He also enjoyed a show by Blue Man Group Friday night, which Hamel said helped bring in people. Revere School Committee member Jacqueline Monterroso called the festival “amazing” and comparable, if not better than, sand sculpting events she saw while living in Florida. Revere and Winthrop State Representative Jeff Turco, whose district includes the beach area, said the festival “showcases America’s first public beach.” He’s also a former board of director member, treasurer and member of the Revere Beach Partnership and a current Revere Beach Partnership advisor. “This is one of my favorite events and a great opportunity to show how special Revere Beach is,” Giannino agreed. FESTIVAL | SEE PAGE 11 Master sculptures with members of the Revere Beach Partnership and elected officials New Jersey resident Matt Delbert’s sculpture was “The Sandman.” Canada resident Jonathan Bouchard’s sculpture was “D-Side.” This piece won Sculptor’s Choice and placed third in the competition. King Kong and Godzilla were featured on the centerpiece. California resident Morgan Rudluff’s sculpture was “Floatation.” California resident Bruce Phillips’s sculpture was “Your Own Vision.” “Horsing Around” – Rusty Croft, of California, said he was inspired by his daughters’ dream of having a pony.

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