THE SOUNDS | FROM PAGE 10 Page 16 home, reading the local newspaper story about just another Memorial Day traffi c tragedy. But this one really hit home and still resonates painfully every year at this time. Lance was just 25 and was an excellent student, looking forward to his junior year at Southeastern Massachusetts University. So much of life ahead of him. But all his dreams and hopes ended on that Memorial Day. It’s a holiday tragedy that visits hundreds of American families every year. If you head out to the roads this weekend — especially to do some long distance driving — be safe out there. Enjoy the holiday with family and friends. And take time to say a few prayers for the service people who sacrifi ced their lives in combat duty to defend our American way of life. Honoring Saugus High baseball seniors The Saugus High School Varsity Baseball Team invites all Saugus Little League players to attend the Varsity Senior Game to be held at World Series Park, today (Friday, May 27) to celebrate the last home game of the season for graduating seniors. Little League players who wear their game shirts will get to come on the fi eld during the ceremony and will also receive a ticket for a free slush at the concession stand. To participate in the ceremony, the Little Leaguers should arrive at the fi eld no later than 3:15 — 15 minutes before the ceremony starts. Feel free to contact Renee Howard (617-592-5876) with any questions or concerns. One-day trash delay for holiday week The Town of Saugus announces that trash and recycling collection will run on a one-day delay from Tuesday (May 31) through Saturday (June 4), due to the observance of Memorial Day (Monday, May 30). There will be no collection on Monday (May 30) due to the holiday. Services will resume on a one-day delay from Tuesday (May 31) through Saturday (June 4). Residents whose collection day falls on Monday will be collected from on Tuesday. Collection will continue to run on a one-day delay for the remainder of the week. Please contact the Department of Public Works at 781231-4145 with any questions. Want to help make a better Library? The Saugus Board of Selectmen is accepting applications THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022 for appointments to the Saugus Library Board of Trustees. This is a volunteer/nonpaid position for Saugus residents. Those interested may submit a letter of interest/resume no later than June 1 to the Saugus Board of Selectmen, Saugus Town Hall, 298 Central St., Suite 4, Saugus, MA 01906. Compost site now open The community’s compost site will be open to residents on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The site is located behind the Department of Public Works at 515 Main St. Stickers are required to gain seasonal access to the site. Stickers may be purchased for $25.00 at the Department of Public Works (DPW) located at the Compost Site when making your visit to the Compost Site. The Town of Saugus accepts checks only for payment of the $25.00. No cash will be accepted. Kindly bring a check when visiting. Thank you! Compost site stickers must be permanently placed on the lower left corner of residents’ automobile windshields. Vehicles registered out of state are not permitted. Yard waste must be disposed of in brown compost bags or open containers. The Town will accept grass clippings, leaves and brush. As in years past, no branches or limbs larger than three inches in diameter are permitted. We ask all residents to please wear a mask and maintain and respect social distancing from others while visiting the site. Residents may call Lorna Cerbone at the Solid Waste and Recycling Department at 781231-4036 with questions or for more information. We have a winner! Congratulations to Carole Drake for making the right identification in last week’s “Guess Who Got Sketched” contest. She was one of several readers answering correctly. But she was the only one to have her name picked in a drawing from the green Boston Red Sox cap. Here’s the correct answer, offered by the person who goes by the name of The Sketch Artist: “The answer to last week’s sketch is the multi-talented Gabriella Snyder Stelmack! Gabriella has such an angelic, highly skilled and trained voice! “Check out Gabriella’s CD ‘Ancient Christmas’ “Songs and Carols with Gabriella Snyder with Mountain Dulcimer Guitar, Viola & Violin “The song #3 ‘Come With Me’ (a favorite of mine) Gabriella wrote the music & words. She states on her CD why she wrote ‘Come With Me’ ‘I wanted to write a “Little Drummer Boy” type song, with the wise men hearing about the newborn King and setting out to fi nd Him. I hope this takes you on your journey’ Gabriella.’ “Such a myriad of beautiful Christmas songs on Ancient Christmas! She produced the CD through her own Colla Voce Recording & Publishing Co. “Gabriella quotes in her own words the following: ‘I am the Executive Director of Bread of Life in Malden, a nonprofit faith based, volunteer driven organization that provides a million meals per year for struggling families and senior citizens in the north metro Boston area. I have worked with the organization for 33 years. What some people don’t know is I am also a composer of two operas, many songs and choral pieces, and have sung professionally, and was a private vocal instructor for many years. I want to continue sharing my music and sharing what I have with those who have less. Knowing that only God can save the world through Christ, I try in my small way to be part of His work. My favorite passage from the Bible is Matthew, chapter 25, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink… .I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did for me.” I consider myself to be on a pilgrimage through life, stumbling many times, but continually trying to go God’s way rather than my own: God’s goals, God’s methods, God’s timing, with God’s power. On the wall of my office hangs something that was read as a young girl and I always want to remember: “I shall pass this way but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”’ “Gabriella, you are a great example of ‘don’t hide your light under a bushel, let it shine for all to see’ — you are a great beacon of light to this world! “Thank you, Yours Truly, “The Sketch Artist” Disco Dance party at the Kowloon The Kowloon Restaurant is set to host an outdoor Disco Dance Party featuring The Cover Girls performing live in concert. The event is set at the Kowloon’s outdoor venue on June 18 (rain date June 19) on Route 1 North in Saugus. Showtime is 7 p.m., and doors open at 6 p.m. General admission is $39 per person and V.I.P. reserved seating is $59 per person. Guests are invited to dress in disco wear. Tickets are available at online ordering, front desk or chargeby-phone: 781-233-0077. The Cover Girls are an all-female, New York City-based freestyle group that achieved most of their chart success in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Among the group’s best-known songs are “Show Me,” “Because of You,” “We Can’t Go Wrong” and “Wishing on a Star.” Opening for The Cover Girls is Vinyl Groove. Vinyl Groove is a multitalented vocal group who sing the best R&B dance music from the 70s, including Motown-Philly and classic disco dance music — including songs from Tavares, The Trammps, The Stylistics, The O’Jays, The Temptations, Blue Magic, Smokey Robinson, Earth Wind & Fire, Donna Summer, The Spinners and the Four Tops. A “Shout Out” for “Shout Outs” Jeanie Bartolo, a prolifi c contributor to our weekly “Shout Out” segment of this column (and she was actually the catalyst behind this weekly feature) off ers the following “Shout Out:” “Memorial Day marks the third anniversary of The Advocate’s Sounds of Saugus “Shout Out” column with a total of 230 Shout Outs, so I thought a “Shout Out” for “Shout Outs” to EVERYONE who nominated someone special and to Mark Vogler for printing them. Let’s keep it going!!! Many thanks.” A “Shout Out” for those who get sketched We also received a “Shout Out” this week from “the Sketch Artist”: “A SHOUT OUT & THANKYOU To ALL the wonderful people sketched so far! “Thank you for allowing me to use my little spark to showcase ALL you brilliant lights of Hope and wonderful people of Saugus! Shining so brightly In deeds and actions! “Endless giving and doing for others lending uplifting hands reaching out. “Saugonians who go the extra mile! “Beacons of luminesce! “If you know someone who hasn’t been featured, let’s not leave them out! Let’s get them sketched and showcased. We look to these people for inspiration, motivation and hope for a better Saugus each day! Thank you “Yours Truly “The Sketch Artist” Want to “Shout Out” a fellow Saugonian? This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out — in a brief mention — remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents or an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email (mvoge@comcast.net) with a mention in the subject line of “An Extra Shout Out.” No more than a paragraph; anything longer might lend itself to a story and/or a photo. Bishop plans to bless the Community Garden The Right Rev. Alan Gates, Episcopal Bishop of Massachusetts, will be blessing the Community Garden ground at St. John’s Episcopal Church today (Friday, May 27) at 9 a.m. Meanwhile, The Rev. John Beach of St. John’s Episcopal Church, continues to search for a few good men, women and children who would like to join a noble cause — the second year of the church-sponsored community garden. “We are inviting all interested persons to join us in producing vegetables for those who are suff ering from food insecurity in Saugus,” Rev. Beach wrote in a letter to the community. Rev. Beach is looking for a variety of help as the garden approaches planting time for its second year: If you are able to grow a few seedlings in your home, we would like to bring the seeds, soil, pots, and instructions in the next few weeks. Assist in the planting of crops on Friday May 27th and/ or Saturday May 28th sometime between 9 and noon. We will be having a brief service of the blessing of the ground on the Friday. Assist for an hour a week in the tending of the crops (weeding and watering) over the course of the summer. Assist in the harvesting of the crops in September and delivering them to the Saugus Food Pantry “If you are able to assist, or if you are interested in contributing to the garden, please let me know. I am looking forward to working with you,” Rev. Beach said. He can be reached by phone (774-9619881) or email (revjbeach@ gmail.com). “Before we plant the seedlings, it would be wonderful if you were able to join us for that service,” Rev. Beach said.

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