THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022 Page 17 Saugus Kindergarten Registration underway Kindergarten registration for students entering the Saugus Public Schools in the fall of 2022 opened this month. Registration packets may be picked up at the Main Offi ce of the Veterans Early Learning Center (VELC) at 39 Hurd Ave. in Saugus Monday through Friday during school hours. The packet will also be available on the Saugus Public Schools’ website, https://www. saugus.k12.ma.us/. Completed forms and required documentation may be returned to the VELC Main Offi ce. Packet drop-off hours will be Monday through Friday from 9:30 to 11 a.m.; kindergarten screening appointments will be scheduled at this time. Screenings will take place on Wednesday, June 8 and Thursday, June 9 and will last about 20 minutes. There is no deadline for registration. Saugus moved to a free, allday kindergarten model for the 2021-22 school year to better prepare students academically, socially and emotionally. A half-day option is not available. “Free, all-day kindergarten levels the playing field and gives Saugus children all of the building blocks they need from day one,” said School Committee Member Ryan Fisher. Students must be fi ve years old by Aug. 31, 2022, in order to enter kindergarten in the fall of 2022; there are no exceptions. For more information, please contact the Veterans Early Learning Center at 781-231-8166. Buy a brick to honor a Saugus veteran The Saugus War Monument Committee once again is sponsoring the Buy A Brick Program to honor all those who have served their country. If you would like to purchase one in the name of someone who is presently serving or has served, in the memory of a loved one, or just for someone from your family, school, etc., the general pricing is $100 for a 4” X 8” brick (three lines) and $200 for 8” X 8” brick (fi ve lines). Each line is a maximum of 15 characters. The improvement and upkeep of the monument on the corner of Winter and Central Streets rely on the generosity of donors through fundraising. The brick application must be in by Sept. 15 to ensure the bricks will be ready for Veterans Day. Please contact Corinne Riley at 781-231-7995 for more information and applications. SHS Class of ’62 plans 60th reunion Leaders of the Saugus High School Class of 1962 would like you to “SAVE THE DATE.” Their 60th Class Reunion will be held on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022, from 1 to 5 p.m. at Prince Pizzeria in Saugus. They are reaching out to contact fellow classmates as well as other alumni who would like to join them. The well-known 50s and 60s music group of Howie Conley will be there for musical enjoyment. Those of you who have heard them know what a performance they put on. There will be pizza and salad combinations plus soft drinks. The price includes all you can eat, tax and gratuities — plus Howie Conley’s group — and is $29 per person. There is a bar available for wine, beer and mixed drinks. There is no need to purchase tickets at this time. Please let one of the following people know of your interest either by a phone call or a text message so that you can be easily reached when the time draws near. No commitment is necessary. They are just exploring the number of interested classmates. Donna “Cann” Olivera — 781-987-4308 Jonni “Giantonio” Matrona — 781-439-4200 Janice “Cristiano” Pomeroy — 617-512-2097 Larry Seavers — 704-9062606 Food pantry seeking driver volunteers The Saugus United Parish Food Pantry seeks volunteers to make food and bread pickups on Thursdays and Fridays from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Anyone who has the time and interest to help out should contact Jeff Hirtle at 781-922-0661. The food pantry operates out of the basement at Cliftondale Congregational Church at 50 Essex St. in Saugus. Friday morning Legion Hall breakfasts continue Here’s some great news for people who enjoy their Friday morning breakfasts at the Saugus American Legion Cpl Scott J. Procopio Post 210. Legion Hall, which is located at 44 Taylor St., resumed its Friday breakfasts and will continue through today. The buffet breakfast is served at 8 a.m. for a donation of $7. Bon appétit! And good luck to the Kitchen Crew. Looking for book donations The New Friends of the Saugus Public Library are asking for donations of gently used adult hardcover and softcover fi ction for the ongoing book sale in the Community Room. They would also appreciate donations of gently used children’s books. Please limit donations at this time to only fi ction and children’s books; they do not have storage space for other genres or media. Please...clean and newer books only. No tattered pages, bad odors, stains, or dirty covers! Books may be dropped off at the Main Circulation Desk during business hours. Please do not place donations in the outdoor book drops. Want to be a Knight? The Knights of Columbus is looking for new members to join. If you are interested in becoming a member of this local organization, please call 781233-9858. Food Pantry still open The Saugus United Parish Food Pantry continues to remain open on Fridays between 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. despite concerns over the Coronavirus. They have made adjustments to protect their core of volunteers and the needy people who receive the food. For the protection of volunteers & clients, and to limit personal contact and crowding/gathering, the food pantry has been distributing pre-bagged groceries. Even though clients may receive items they don’t want or need, food pantry organizers feel this is the best course of action to mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19. Those in need, even for shortterm or one-time assistance, are encouraged to come. The food pantry is located in the basement of Cliftondale Congregational Church at 50 Essex St. in Saugus. Let’s hear it! Got an idea, passing thought or gripe you would like to share with The Saugus Advocate? I’m always interested in your feedback. It’s been six years since I began work at The Saugus Advocate. I’m always interested in hearing readers’ suggestions for possible stories or good candidates for “The Advocate Asks” interview of the week. Feel free to email me at mvoge@comcast.net. Do you have some interesting views on an issue that you want to express to the community? Submit your idea. If I like it, we can meet for a 15to 20-minute interview over a hot drink at a local coff ee shop. And I’ll buy the coff ee or tea. Or, if you prefer to continue practicing social distancing and be interviewed from the safety of your home on the phone or via email, I will provide that option to you as the nation recovers from the Coronavirus crisis. If it’s a nice day, my preferred site for a coff ee and interview would be the picnic area of the Saugus Iron Works. Saugus Youth Baseball/Softball Scholarship available T he Family of Stephen Wing will be providing a $500 scholarship to a graduating senior from any area high school who participated in a Saugus youth baseball or softball program. Applicants must be planning to attend a post-secondary school. The scholarship award will be given directly to the successful applicant. The $500 Stephen Wing Memorial Scholarship was created by Stephen’s Family in memory of a boy who loved life and thoroughly enjoyed playing and participating in youth baseball programs. Stephen’s desire to improve and willingness to work hard to achieve a goal enabled him to be considered a skilled baseball player. Stephen lost his battle with illness at the age of 10. Interested seniors are asked to provide the screening committee with the following: (1) a copy of your student data sheet (resume) and (2) a persuasive cover letter indicating why the applicant is an appropriate candidate for the scholarship (cover letters should indicate the teams/leagues participated in and the candidate’s eff orts to work hard to achieve goals. Additionally, the family seeks a canREAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com. BUYER1 “Giron, Carlos” “Tagieva, Mavjuda” “Dandrow, Jennifer” “Kavjian, Amanda A” “Tagiev, Makhir” BUYER2 SELLER1 42 Mount Vernon LLC “Labkovich, Alena” “Thi-Nguyen, Thuy L” 14 Dustin Street LLC MSY Realty LLC “Labkovich, Denis” SELLER2 ADDRESS 42 Mount Vernon St 44 School St 14 Dustin St 16 Oaklandvale Ave CITY DATE 05/09/22 05/10/22 05/13/22 05/11/22 Saugus Saugus Saugus Saugus PRICE $750,000 $780,000 $632,000 $670,000 didate who demonstrates persistence and teamwork. The student data sheet (resume) and cover letter should be submitted to the Wing Memorial Scholarship c/o Ed Nazzaro (enazzaro47@comcast. net) on or before Tuesday, May 31, 2022.

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