THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Page 9 Anthony D’Ambrosio endorsed by Revere Teachers Association RTA President cites his work on creating the Equity Advisory Board and bold leadership on behalf of teachers and students WINTHROP – Candidate for State Senate, Anthony D’Ambrosio was endorsed today by the Revere Teachers Association, a local affiliate of the Massachusetts Teachers Association. Barbara Wallace, the President of the RTA, cited D’Ambrosio’s leadership in creating the Revere Public Schools Equity Advisory Board that is now a model across the Commonwealth. "The Revere Teachers Association (RTA) Executive Board has voted to endorse Anthony D'Ambrosio for Massachusetts State Senate,” said Barbara Wallace, President of the RTA. “As a Revere School Committee member, Anthony has distinguished himself by taking bold stands supporting Revere educators, our union and our students. One example that particularly stood out to us is how Anthony worked with teachers and parents to create the Equity Advisory Board for Revere Public Schools to develop creative solutions to address educational inequities." “I want it to be clear that I am the education candidate in this race and am so proud to have received the endorsement of the Revere Teachers Association,” said D’Ambrosio. “My family would RevereTV Spotlight I n the spirit of Halloween, RevereTV aired an all-weekend-long marathon of Creature Feature movies! If you tuned in to the Community Channel last weekend, you would have seen the event, which included some special screenings. October 30 was the anniversary of the War of the Worlds 1938 Radio Broadcast, so that was Saturday’s special event. Throughout the day on Halloween, the movie of the day (Sunday) was “Night of the Living Dead.” If you missed the full weekend marathon or if the marathon sparked your interest in this type of movie, Creature Double Features holds a time slot every Saturday afternoon from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. You may be able to catch reruns of the Halloween specials as well. Election season is over for the city, but RevereTV’s live coverage of the results on Tuesday can still be viewed on Facebook and YouTube. Ed Deveau was the host in studio this time, reading preliminary results and interviewing city offi cials about their campaigns. RevereTV thanks everyone involved in making live coverage on election night a success, especially Deveau, viewers and the offi cials who take time to participate. There are a few community events from recent weeks that are now airing as highlight reels on RTV. The Great Pumpkin Dash was a road race at Revere Beach. Some runners even came dressed in costumes for a costume contest. Catch the highlight reel playing in between traditional programming on the Community Channot be where we are today without the support of the public-school systems in this district. My immense gratitude to these schools is why I ran for School Committee in Revere and am running for State Senate now.” INFO | FROM Page 8 er, these are not normal times as we all know from this pandemic. I decided to support Anthony D’Ambrosio because I thought it was a time for a new face and a fresh outlook on public service. To be honest, I also was very upset that Edwards decided to oppose Columbus Day and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day. I have no problem with giving Native Americans a holiday but not Columbus Day. Edwards has expressed in print that she opposes Columbus and therefore his holiday, and appears to tell Italian Americans we need to pick a better role model or hero to honor. I get to decide who my heroes are and not some woke politician. However, the information found in The Revere Advocate front page story on Edwards and her real estate history is something voters need to know before carefully choosing which candidate to serve as their voice up on Beacon Hill. If the facts in this news story are verifi able, the facts seem damning. I await Edwards’ response to this Revere Advocate blockbuster of a story. D’Ambrosio launches first television ad of Special Democratic Primary for State Senate Ad will air across the district on cable and social media WINTHROP – Candidate for State Senate Anthony D’Ambrosio launched his first television ad in the special Democratic Primary for the 1st Sufnel. The Rumney Marsh Burial Ground Tour can also be viewed this week. The recording will be airing in between general programming throughout the next few weeks. If you want to access any RevereTV coverage or shows produced by RevereTV, everything is posted to YouTube to be viewed at your convenience. RevereTV’s cooking programs have been hits lately with Community Channel viewers. Two in particular – “Cooking with the Keefe’s” and “Cooking Made Simple” – were recorded most recently and feature some fallinspired recipes. RevereTV invites community members to volunteer to try hosting “What’s Cooking, Revere?” – a show created to feature residents sharing their favorite recipes. Becoming a community member is completely free and provides you with the training and resources needed to produce and volunteer to work on programming at RTV. The only requirement is that you live in Revere or are sponsored by someone living in Revere. Revere High School football games continue to stream live on the RTV Community Channel, Facebook and YouTube. Replays of the games can be viewed on television a few nights per week. RHS football is not the only livestream in sports to look out for this month. The annual Powderpuff Flag Football Game will also be covered by RevereTV. To watch any of these games live, tune in to 8 and 1072 on Comcast or 3 and 614 on RCN. You must be a cable subscriber to watch RTV on television. folk and Middlesex District. The 30-second ad, which is titled “Unafraid,” will be airing across the district on both cable and various social media outlets. The video can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=883rHpg5HWQ, and the full script is below. “Unafraid” Text My name is Anthony D’Ambrosio and I’m a candidate for our State Senate seat. I’m running because it is time for a new generation of outsiders to upend business as usual on Beacon Hill. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted life as we know it in virtually every way imaginable. Our current leaders are failing in their obligations to Massachusetts residents. I’m unbeholden to anyone. I’m unafraid to shake things up and I’m unafraid to ask the tough questions. Today, I’m asking for your vote. “As I travel across this District, voters consistently tell me how government has failed them,” said D’Ambrosio. “They feel left out, ignored and sold out by politicians willing to say or do anything to get elected. I have never forgotten where I came from and why I want to serve my community. My passion and commitment to hard work comes directly from my family who taught me early in life the value of public service. As State Senator, I will be unafraid to stand up for those left behind and voiceless because I only work for YOU.”

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