Page 10 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Giannino celebrates 30th birthday Former State Rep. RoseLee Vincent, in center, is State Representative Jessica Giannino’s second cousin. (Photo Courtesy of Chris DiFilippis) Grandmother JoAnn Giannino, former Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo, State Representative Jessica Giannino and Christopher Giannino. Leo Robinson, Meghan Gallagher, Duche Romeus, Ghizlane Benzerdjieb, Giannino, Sgt. Paul Petrucelli, and Ray Rolli. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Shown, from left to right, are State Representatives Jacob Oliveira, Thomas Vitolo, Jeff rey Turco, Jessica Giannino, Ted Philips, Megan Kilcoyne, Michael Kushmerek and Dr. Tami Gouveia during Giannino’s 30th birthday celebration last Monday night at DeMaino’s Restaurant. State Representative Jessica Giannino celebrating her 30th birthday. Former Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo, State Representative Jessica Giannino and her cousin, Joseph Giannino. Supporter Stephen Cushing with State Representative Jessica Giannino. Aunts Marie Patterson, grandmother JoAnn Giannino, State Representative Jessica Giannino, uncle Peter Carabillo and proud dad, Christopher Giannino. Action Emergency Management owner Michael Zaccaria, in center, Water/Sewer staff Michael Wellls, Water/Sewer staff Chris Courage, State Representative Jessica Giannino, resident Stephen Cushing and grandmother JoAnn Giannino.

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