Page 8 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021 ~ LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR ~ HRC Chairperson responds to criticism Dear Editor There appears to be some misunderstanding about the October 7th monthly meeting of the Human Rights Commission (HRC). We have been criticized for not inviting public input and not providing notice. This was not a public hearing. As required under Open Meeting Laws, our agenda was timely posted, no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting. The agenda included the topic “Columbus Day – Indigenous People’s Day.” Our monthly meeting agendas also routinely include a dedicated ‘public forum’ section where members of the community have the opportunity to address the HRC. The HRC is not a legislative body. We do not create laws or ordinances. We discussed Columbus Day and Indigenous People’s Day and voted unanimously to recommend a change in the designation of the fi rst Monday of October to Indigenous People’s Day. These discussions and changes are already happening in other communities across the State and throughout the country. It also appears that, somehow, the HRC has been implicated about requesting the removal of the Christopher Columbus statue at St Anthony’s church on Revere Street. The HRC never discussed the Columbus statue. The HRC is well aware that this statue resides on private (Archdiocese) property. No one benefi ts when some in the public react and respond to mistaken, unreliable or fabricated information. The HRC takes seriously its responsibilities and mission. We welcome and look forward to thoughtful conversations with Revere residents. The HRC and the public can foster a more unifi ed community when we work and act together. The HRC meets the fi rst Thursday of every month at 5:00 pm in the Council Chambers and remotely via Zoom. Signed, Janine Grillo Marra, Chairperson, Revere Human Rights Commission Indictments returned in fatal July boat crash A Suff olk County grand jury recently returned indictments for manslaughter and other offenses against the owner and operator of a pleasure boat that crashed last summer, killing Jeanica Julce, 27, of Somerville. According to Suff olk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins, Ryan Denver, 38, of Boston’s Seaport neighborhood, is charged with involuntary manslaughter, three counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon causing serious bodily injury and two counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Denver owned a Pursuit DC 365 speedboat which he named “Make it Go Away” and was operating the 37-foot-long, 17,000-pound vessel in Boston Harbor during the early morning hours of July 17. At approximately 2:50 a.m., it struck Daymarker 5, a large, distinctively marked fi xed navigational aid, head-on with such destructive force that the boat sank, sending all eight individuals on board – including Julce and Denver – into the harbor. The Boston Police Department’s Harbor Unit and other fi rst responders rescued Denver and six other passengers from the water. Five of those individuals were transported by ambulance to area hospitals. First responders were not able to locate Julce during their rescue operation. Her body was fi - nally recovered at approximately 10 a.m. later that day. Additional information on the case will be disclosed at the arraignment, which is scheduled for Nov. 19. “Jeanica was a vibrant young woman with a beautiful life ahead of her. She deserved better than to lose everything because of another individual’s recklessness,” said Rollins. “That her life ended in this manner is heartbreaking. My office is here to support her loved ones and the surviving victims of this crash to ensure they receive the support and resources they deserve.” ~ GUEST COMMENTARY ~ Important Information That Helps Voters Choose The Better Candidate By Sal Giarratani For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net W ell, I have never lived in the City of Revere; I have had family members living in this city since I was 7 years old. As a child, I also spent much of my summers down at Revere Beach when it was the best amusement park in the world to local kids back in the 50s and 60s before everything came crashing down and disappeared into the dustbin of history. There has always been a positive sameness between East Boston and Revere. How often growing up I heard Italian Americans, my relatives included, moving to the “country” or “suburbs” in Beachmont – one mere stop on the Blue Line from each other. We were all the same Italian Americans whether Revere, East Boston or even the North End. My State Senate seat has been vacant since former State Senator Joe Boncore resigned from the seat and now on December 14 there will be a special primary election to pick his successor. The general election is scheduled in January. Today, we have young Anthony D’Ambrosio running for the seat out of Revere, and we have District 1 City Councilor Lydia Edwards from East Boston also in this race. If these were normal times, East Boston voters most likely would be voting for the East Boston candidate and Revere voters for the Revere candidate. HowevINFO | SEE Page 9

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