THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Page 5 Revere and Winthrop Fire Depts. endorse D’Ambrosio R evere Firefi ghters Local 926 President Kevin O’Hara: “Revere Firefi ghters Local 926 is proud to endorse Anthony D'Ambrosio for State Senate. We want a State Senator who we can rely on to stand with us. For us, the choice was clear. Anthony is dedicated to his community and will be a tireless advocate for fi re fi ghters across the Commonwealth. We will never have to guess where he stands, because he tells it like it is and is unbeholden to anyone.” Winthrop Firefighters Local 1070 President Eric Cusack: “We need leaders on Beacon Hill who are willing to stand up and fi ght for our members. Anthony immediately impressed us with his knowledge of our issues and commitment to work with us on banning the cancer causing chemicals currently being used in our protective gear. We strongly endorse his campaign for State Senate and look forward to working with him at the State House.” Members of the Winthrop Firefi ghters Local 1070 with Union Pres. Eric Cusak and candidate for State Senate Anthony D'Ambrosio. Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. Members of the Revere Firefi ghters Local 926 with Union Pres. Kevin O’Hara and candidate for State Senate Anthony D’Ambrosio. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 Thank You to all of the voters who took the time out to vote this past Tuesday, and especially to the ones who cast one of their votes for me. I am humbled by your support and promise to base every one of my decisions on what is best for the future of our City. I’d also like to thank my incredible volunteers and committee - you never cease to amaze me. Lastly, I would like to congratulate all of the candidates who were on the ballot and their respective committees. Whether you were       and messaging were felt across each and every neighborhood. Placing your name before the voters is not an easy decision and you should all be commended for participating in the democratic process which guides municipalities like ours across the country. - Dan Rizzo, Councilor-at-Large-Elect DAN RIZZO COUNCILOR-AT-LARGE (Paid Pol. Adv.) “Now, More Than Ever Before”

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