Page 6 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2021 Councillors differ on merits of Citizens Planning Committee C By Adam Swift ouncillor-at-Large Steven Morabito is pushing for a new volunteer committee that would help increase citizen participation in local government. But several other councillors say they need more detailed information before backing a proposed Citizens Planning Committee which would be appointed by the mayor. Morabito said the committee would consist of residents from each ward and help serve as an advisory board for zoning, development and other projects in the city. “This way, the people of Revere’s voices would be heard, and it wouldn't act as a political committee,” said Morabito. The committee wouldn’t usurp the power of the ward councillors, but would give residents an additional voice on issues that impact Revere. Councillor-at-Large George Rotondo said that if the mayor is presenting candidates for the committee, it could be viewed as political. “Why don’t we just have a redevelopment authority like they do in Malden?” Rotondo said. He said former City Councillor John Jordan proposed a redevelopment authority a number of years ago. “There are a great many dollars that could go along with a professional redevelopment authority that would handle things you’re talking about, and it would be at no cost to the community,” said Rotondo. Morabito said he is looking to establish something that would go beyond dealing strictly with development issues. “However we do it, I don’t care; I just want to get the people involved,” said Morabito. “This way, they can help make a diff erence on things that can impact our city.” Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky said he doesn’t disagree with wanting to get people more involved, but noted that when there is a big issue in his ward, he works hard to hold community meetings and get out the word any way he can. “Before I would ask the mayor to do this, I would want to see some criteria set up before I vote on it,” said Novoselsky. “I want to see what the description is and what their entitlements are, so I’m not really prepared to do an open book request just like this.” Ward 6 Councillor Richard Serino wanted to know if the committee members would be appointed by the mayor or if the ward councillors would be able to appoint members. Morabito said the mayor would have to implement the committee, but he added that he believes the mayor would take input from ward councillors before making any appointments. “By doing this, you are basically putting the mayor in the position of the ward councillor by virtue of having his appointed members of that particular ward,” said Rotondo. Rotondo said taking care of issues in the wards is the imperative and nature of the ward councillor position. City Council President Anthony Zambuto said there will be further discussion of Morabito’s motion at a future economic development and planning subcommittee meeting. Medford Community Chorale and Youth Chorus Presents First “Post Pandemic” Concert! “A www.eight10barandgrille.com We Have Reopened for Dine-In and Outside Seating every day beginning at 4 PM fter an 18 month hiatus due to the COVID 19 pandemic, The Medford Community Chorale and Youth Chorus (MCC) is back! The groups received approval from the Medford Community Schools offi ce during the summer to resume in person rehearsals this fall, and rehearsals are well underway for their fi rst “post pandemic” concert, “Jingle All the Way!” scheduled for Friday, December 10th at 7pm in the Caron Theatre at Medford High School. "Jingle All the Way!” will celebrate the season, and will consist of a varied program of sacred, popular and classical holiday selections. A portion of the proceeds WE'RE OPEN! 8 Norwood Street, Everett (617) 387-9810 STAY SAFE! from the concert ad book will be donated to the CITY-WIDE HUNGER FREE initiative, under the auspices of the Medford Food Security Taskforce. The MCC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofi t organization, may be back…but they actually never went away! The choruses were in the throes of preparing for a spring concert at Tufts University, when everything came to a “screeching halt“ in mid-March 2020, due to the pandemic. When it became clear that it was going to be quite a while before the groups would be able to come together again, director Betsy Pesce, accompanist Dr. Holly Zagaria, and Julie Kelleher, chorale member and longtime Malden Access TV volunteer came up with the idea that perhaps the group could try to create a “virtual choir” video. And so, the first Medford Community Chorale “virtual choir video”, “Thank You for the Music” (Mama Mia) - with 38 participants - was completed at the beginning of September 2020, and the groups went on to create two more adult chorus videos, two youth/young adult chorus videos, and their final virtual choir video, “Sing!”, featured the combined adult and youth choruses. Because there are no geographical boundaries with a virtual performance, the chorale was thrilled to welcome participants from California, Illinois, Washington, D.C., and even from Stuttgart, Germany and Abbruzzo, Italy! Sadly, the chorale has lost two of its members to the coronavirus, and they will be remembered at the performance in December. Links to all of the groups’ performances may be found on the chorale’s Facebook page: “Medford Community Chorale“, the website: “MedfordCommunityChorale.org” and on YouTube: “Medford Community Chorale” For more information, please contact director Betsy Pesce at elizabethpesce@comcast.net or at 617-335-8155.” Monogram D4 Double siding Cedar impression half rounds Harvey Vinyl 63 Replacement Windows Custom Aluminum Trim work Windows & Doors Top quality Vinyl Siding! •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Decks •Roofing •Free Estimates •Replacement Windows •Fully Licensed •Fully Insured

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