THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2023 Page 9 The Egyptian fl ag was raised at Revere City Hall – alongside the City of Revere fl ag and the Stars & Stripes of Old Glory – in celebration of Egyptian independence. State Representative Jessica Giannino at Revere City Hall celebrating Egyptian Independence ~ POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT ~ Teamsters Local 25 Endorses Anthony Caggiano for Revere School Committee Longtime Local 25 member seeks seat on Revere High School Panel Showing Egyptian pride: Nora Abouelnasr, Adam Elbaybany and Ali Abouelnasr. BOSTON, MA – Teamsters Local 25 is honored to endorse Anthony Caggiano for election to the Revere School Committee. Caggiano is a 35-year member of Teamsters Local 25 and a graduate of Revere High School. Teamsters Local 25 supports Caggiano as the best candidate, who understands and appreciates the outstanding education provided by Revere High School and the profound positive impact the school has on the city. Caggiano was elected to repHussein Elmalt celebrated the raising of the Egyptian Flag at City Hall. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net resent the city of Revere on the Northeast Metropolitan Vocational School Committee in 2020, and he now wants to bring that experience to his alma mater. Caggiano’s vision for Revere High is to offer trade courses along with the traditional classes already off ered, so more kids have a chance to explore various career paths. In his current role, Caggiano helped start a plumbing program at Revere High which is getting rave reviews from students and educators. “Anthony Caggiano is passionate about the importance of worker rights, fair wages, and the benefi ts of union membership as he has been a longtime member of Teamsters Local 25,” said Teamsters Local 25 President Thomas G. Mari. “His goal Teamsters Local 25 President Tom Mari (left) and Anthony Caggiano to incorporate trade courses into Revere High will grant students a wider range of career choices. Anthony’s experience and dedication to the labor movement will be more than benefi cial to the Revere School Committee.” Caggiano is also a graduate of Suff olk University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and holds an associate degree in computer science from North Shore Community College. Caggiano has deep roots in Revere, having been born and raised there as well as starting his own family there. Caggiano is a 35-year member of Teamsters Local 25, retiring from DHL Express earlier this year. Teamsters Local 25 Offi cers, Agents, and the entire membership are proud to endorse the candidacy of Anthony Caggiano for election to the Revere School Committee. Teamsters Local 25 is the largest Teamsters’ union in New England with 12,500 members.

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