Page 10 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2023 ~ POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT ~ Former State Rep. RoseLee Vincent Endorses Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna “I have known and worked closely with Ward One Councillor Joanne McKenna for many years, and proudly endorse her candidacy for reelection. Joanne exemplifi es what being a public servant should be; working relentlessly for Ward 1, and the city that she loves so much. Joanne was a dedicated teacher in the Revere Public School system for over 32 years, founder of the Revere Beautifi cation Committee, founder and past president of the Beachmont Improvement Committee, and a driving force in the First Row, Row to Revere. With Joanne’s continued leadership, Beachmont has seen many initiatives and improvements come to fruition, a few of which include renovations of 2 Parks, Clean Water Initiatives, as well as, the renovation of the public staircases. “As a State Representative, I had the pleasure of working with Joanne on many state issues that aff ected Beachmont. She was a staunch advocate at the State House for anything that relates to Beachmont, from advocating for repairs to the sea walls, to improvements to Short and Rocky Beach. She was and continues to be relentless in ~ POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT ~ Vanessa Biasella Announces Candidacy for Revere School Committee Former State Rep. RoseLee Vincent has offi cially endorsed Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna for reelection. (McKenna is also presently City Council President Pro Tempore.) advocating that MASSPORT provide sound proofing in Beachmont, to help alleviate the noise impact felt by her neighbors. Joanne is without a doubt one of the most dedicated public servants I have ever worked with. Once again, I proudly endorse Joanne McKenna for Revere’s Ward One City Councilor.” VANESSA BIASELLA Candidate P lease join Vanessa Biasella to help support her candidacy for Revere School Committee; all are welcome and encouraged to attend. There will be an array of artisan pizzas to enjoy, with pumpkin decorating for the kids. We believe strongly in Vanessa and her candidacy. She is a mother of Revere High School graduates, while two of her children are currently enrolled in Revere Public Schools; she herself is a product of Revere’s school system and is very proud of her roots, having been born and raised here. Vanessa is currently a high school teacher, a special educator, and a special education liaison who has advocated for local families navigating the IEP process. She also has advocated for access to higher learning opportunities such as Dual Enrollment/Early College, and for alternative pathways such as trade training, internships, and apprenticeship opportunities. She is a tireless community volunteer and was recently recognized by the City Council for taking on the Northern Strand Bike Trail cleanup project as a family endeavor - months of dedicated labor went into collecting many discarded items of trash, amounting to dozens of bags of trash from the delicate eco system along the trail which borders the marsh. Throughout the COVID crisis, Vanessa donated her time as a deliverer of PPE and food to shut-ins along with assisting with fi lling bags for distribution. The North Revere Urban Trail Grant was secured by Vanessa in which they were awarded 1700.00 as a result. Vanessa has volunteered from childhood to the present day, all in the name of leaving Revere better than she found it. You can hear her say that to her children as she instills these values of responsibility in them. The list is long and can be found on her website: Biasellacommittee.com. This is Vanessa’s second candidacy for a seat on the school committee and your support is vital to our success. If you hear of Vanessa, you hear people speak of her passion, her tenacity, her honesty and integrity; these are not simply buzz words, this is how she lives and how she raises her children. The School Committee does not have a current teacher to speak about the day-to-day experiences of today’s educator – Vanessa is the only candidate currently employed as a K-12 teacher; it is crucial for us to have one serving Revere. Having Vanessa on the School Committee gives the public a voice. Please come show your support at Easy Pie, 649 Squire Rd, Revere, MA 02151, on October 17 from 6 to 8pm. Inquiries: email: biasellacommittee@ gmail.com. Facebook: @Committee to Elect Vanessa Biasella. Website: Biasellacommittee.com

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