THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2023 Page 11 ~ OP-ED ~ Experience In Service By Patrick M. Keefe Jr., Acting Mayor A mong the countless conversations I’ve had with people during the campaign is one that recurs frequently: my experience in the food service / hospitality business and how that translates to a leadership role in a responsive and eff ective government. While most of my constituents know me as a dad, coach, volunteer, Ward Councilor or – for the past six months – Acting Mayor, my livelihood since 2010 was Senior Director and later Director of Operations for Legal Sea Foods. Many Revere residents have a favorite Legal Sea Foods location in Boston or Somerville or at Lynnfi eld’s Market Street, but as Director of Operations, I oversaw the operation and fi nancial management of all 24 Legal restaurants including locations in Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island that produce over $200 million in annual revenue. I was involved in the planning, opening, and operation of every major lifestyle center in Massachusetts, such as Market Street, Assembly Row, the Seaport District, and more. Some 3500 employees were under my supervision. I led management teams to appreciate the importance of their role within the overall business structure and assure outstanding performance at all employee levels. I created goals, rolled up my sleeves, and worked resolutely with stakeholders and rank-and-fi le employees alike to achieve those goals within cost controls, all the while prioritizing the customer and employee experience. How does this relate to municipal government? Well, the Director of Operations in any large corporation is responsible for creating business strategy and achieving target results, and it was my responsibility to identify the opportunities for customer satisfaction and to optimize the company’s resources to meet the highest standards of the business, all within the structure of federal, state and local regulatory MACIR | FROM Page 4 MACIR’s commitment to achieving economic equity extends far beyond job placement. The organization is actively investing in the education and professional development of individuals who possess the drive and ambition to excel in the tech industry. By providing these transformative scholarships, MACIR empowers requirements. It was my job to study and analyze industry data and use that information to respond immediately to the needs of our guests and employees. The system and philosophy that propelled Legal Sea Foods industry-leading performance are reliable methods to lead an enterprise that depends on customer satisfaction…such as city government. Government, especially municipal government, is analogous to the hospitality industry. A Mayor is in every respect the Director of Operations of a city. Both must produce successful results and operate within a budget. Both function in a stressful environment that demands clear and focused judgment. And both serve people who have high expectations of service and accommodation. Those people, whether they are taxpayers or diners in a restaurant, demand and deserve answers when they have questions, action when they have needs, and honesty when they have objections. In my career as a Ward Councilor and my six months as Acting Mayor, I have always applied and acted upon the principles and qualities that served me successfully in my professional life in the hospitality industry. These are rooted in fairness, integrity, and the vitality to lead by example. It means that I show up to do the job and only measure success by achieving results. In both the hospitality industry and government, inept leadership that boasts phony claims and exaggerated accomplishment will surely lead to failure. In government, failure happens on a large scale. It crushes the aspirations of an entire community. It abandons the thousands of people who rely on the government for public education, public safety, clean streets and thriving neighborhoods. Revere deserves a Director of Operations with a forward vision and a genuine appreciation for customer satisfaction. I’ve done that in business, it needs to be done in government, and that’s why I am running for Mayor. Ronald, Fernando and Yousef to reach their full potential and actively contribute to the ongoing growth and innovation within the IT sector. Ronald, Fernando and Yousef’s remarkable success stories serve as a powerful source of inspiration to others in the community, underscoring the signifi cant opportunities that MACIR provides to bridge the digital divide and create pathways to econom~ POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT ~ Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589 Endorses Rhalimi for Council At-Large A lexander Rhalimi is proud to announce that his campaign for Council at-Large has been endorsed by Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589 of the Amalgamated Transit Union, AFL/CIO-CLC. “I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589 for their endorsement of my candidacy for Revere Council at Large. This endorsement means a great deal to me, as it refl ects our shared commitment to the values of public transportation, worker’ rights, and community wellbeing,” Rhalimi said. “Local 589 represents the dedicated men and women who keep our public transit system running day in and day out,” Rhalimi continued. “Their hard work and dedication are essential to the functioning of our community, and I am proud to have their support. I pledge to continue advocating for the improvement of public transportation services and ensuring that the rights and well-being of transit workers are protected. Together, we can make Revere an even better place to live, work, and commute.” Rhalimi holds a Master degree of Criminal Justice from Boston University. His educational background would be indispensable when interpreting and crafting local ordinances, policies, and regulations as a member of the city council. His knowledge can inform discussions and decisions related to public safety initiatives, law enforcement practices, and community policing. Currently the principal of Alliance Financial Group, Rhalimi’s experience in fi nancial services provides him with a solid foundation in fiscal management and economic matters, valuable assets when it comes to the role of Councilor at-Large. Throughout his life, Rhalimi has actively engaged with the Revere community. He has volunteered with several local ic stability. As an organization, MACIR remains wholeheartedly dedicated to its mission of advancing racial equity in tech careers, supporting individuals in their pursuit of higher education and nurturing the growth of future leaders within the organization. For more detailed information about MACIR and its transformative programs, please visit www. MACIR.org. non-profit organizations and has cultivated a deep understanding of the issues that matter most to residents. Local 589 is proof of that engagement and commitment; “It is with great pleasure the Executive Board and Membership of the Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589 of the Amalgamated Transit Union, AFL/CIO-CLC, who represent over 5,900 workers at the MBTA, has endorsed your candidacy for election to the Revere City Council. The Carmen’s Union feels every fortunate to have a friend of your stature and integrity running for election. Therefore, Local 589 urges all their members and their families who live in the city of Revere to support your candidacy for Revere City Council atLarge,” said Wayne Peacock union Recording Secretary. Rhalimi is dedicated to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community. His campaign platform is centered around key policy priorities that address the diverse needs of Revere’s residents. Rhalimi is committed to enhancing community engagement and transparency, ensuring public safety through community policing, and promoting sustainable economic development to create job opportunities. He is a strong advocate for aff ordable housing solutions and equitable housing policies, aiming to provide stable and affordable living options for all. Rhalimi also prioritizes education and youth empowerment, aiming to collaborate with local schools and organizations to improve education outcomes and provide meaningful opportunities for young residents. Vote Rhalimi to Revere Council at-Large on November 7th. For more information about the campaign, please visit RhalimiforRevere.org. You may email the committee at vote@rhalimiforrevere.org. ~ Help Wanted ~ MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Tuesday - Saturday Combined Properties is a full-service investment and real        multi-family residential properties. The Maintenance Technician will be based at our residential properties in Malden, MA. The schedule is Tuesday       include completion of work orders, preventative maintenance, and unit turnovers.               HVAC. Must have excellent communication skills and        apartment maintenance experience is preferred. Combined Properties is an equal employment opportunity employer. Please submit your resume to: Sdaly@combinedproperties.com. For more information, call 781-388-0338. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net

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