Page 12 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JULY 7, 2023 Patriettes Softball Team three time city champions T he Revere Girls’ Softball League concluded last week, with the Patriettes defeating the Titans in the third game of a best-of-three series for the title. The Titans are sponsored by Dacey HVAC, and the Patriettes are sponsored by Quality Landscaping; they are coached by Dan Dacey and Corrie O’Neil, respectively. The Titans took the fi rst game, 21-14, followed by an 8-5 defeat by the Patriettes in the second game. The third game was played last Thursday evening at Griswold Field, and it was jampacked with family, friends and league players to see the fi nal game. The two-time champs Patriettes were hoping to threeThe Patriettes are sponsored by Quality Landscaping and coached by Asst. Coach Colleen Fortin and Head Coach Corrie O’Neil. peat, and the excitement was building. The Titans took a one run lead in the fi rst inning, and then lightning struck for the Patriettes: Catcher ZiZi Kalliavas hit a threerun blast, clearing the bases for a two-run lead. It was a nail-biter through four innings, then the Patriettes took a commanding 21-12 lead in in the fi fth, giving up one more run, making them champions for the third season in a row. It was a great showing for both teams – hard play, sportsmanship and never giving up. Congratulations to all the teams of the softball league, and of course, to the 2023 City of Revere Champions, the Patriettes. Ava Teebagy, Gianna Chiodi and Chloe O’Neil are shown with the Championship Trophy last Thursday evening. The Titans are sponsored by Dacey HVAC and coached by Head Coach Dan Dacey and Asst. Coach Jocelyn Dacey. The 2023 City of Revere Champions, the Patriettes, received their trophy last Thursday night at Griswold Field – beating the Titans in the third game of a three-game series. Starting catcher Anna Doucette and starting pitcher for the Titans, Arianna Chianca

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