THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JULY 7, 2023 Page 13 Chloe O’Neil at bat for the Patriettes Patriettes’ catcher ZiZi Kalliavas slid into home to complete the third run of her three-run homer in the second inning. Head Coach Corrie O’Neil (right) showed her excitement as the Patriettes took the lead. Gianna Chiodi fi res the fi rst pitch of game three. Titans ace Arianna Chianca goes to work in game 3. The closer for the Patriettes, Ava Teebagy (center), headed off the mound as the Patriettes clinched the third Championship last Thursday night at Griswold Field. Catcher ZiZi Kalliavas stayed focused throughout the game. Ava Teebagy was the fi rst batter and first runner to get to base. Ava went on to pitch in the fi nal inning of the championship game, securing the win for the Patriettes. On deck for the Titans, Genevieve Zierten Mia Macaluso of the Titans slid safely into second base under the throw. Mia went on to score the fi rst run in the game. Staring behind the plate was ZiZi Kalliavas and on the mound was Gianna Chiodi.

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