Page 2 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2024 SUBCOMMITTEE | FROM Page 1 Mid-grade Regular $3.87 3.25 73 59 Over 45 Years of Excellence! Full Service $2.95 Order online at angelosoil.com with fl ooding because it absorbs more water than existing soil. Ward 1 Councillor Joanne McKenna, who also serves on the subcommittee, was equally positive about the program. “Every other city is doing it,” she said. “Why not us?” According to the proposal, 30 Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? For more info, call (857) 249-7882 Dan - 1972 We’re Open on Father’s Day! MAJOR BRANDS AT DISCOUNT PRICES! Singles * Tins * Bundles * Boxes * Travel Humidors * Desk Top Humidors * Many Types of Lighters * Ash Trays * Juuls * Vapes * Glass Pipes * Rewards Program * CBD Infused Products * GIFTS UNDER $30 - GIFT CERTIFICATES CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BOSTON CELTICS! 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The proposal on the table asks that Mayor Patrick Keefe invest $125,000 “from a mix of mitigation money, including mitigation monies from the traditional waste disposal programs, the general fund, or state, federal, or private grants, off setting funds, toward creating and maintaining a partially or fully subsidized curb-side composting program for residents of Revere.” The city will track the number of participants, tonnage of waste diverted from regular waste programs, money saved by the city and money spent by residents to participate. Former City Council candidate and community activist AnthoCelebrating Our 52nd Year Chris 2024 T Angela Guarino-Sawaya Ward 5 Councillor ny Parziale asked if the city could pick up the cost of the program since its saving money for the city. “Why should people pay?” he asked. The proposal also calls for opening a revolving account for any savings from composting and to use any money deposited to fund and expand curbside composting. Another resident asked if the Board of Health has weighed in on the composting proposal. He said there may be concerns about rats and disease. He also suggested that containers for compost, which will be provided to participants, should be made of metal rather than plastic because rats are able to bite through plastic. Juan Pablo Jaramillo Councillor-at-Large Jaramillo said he thought composting containers would be similar to trash and recycling containers. A member of the Winthrop chapter of Clean Water Action, which mounts campaigns on a variety of local environmental issues, said that composting in Winthrop has not led to any health or rodent issues. She added that the federal Environmental Protection Agency has a grant program for start-up composting that could off set local costs. Former DPW superintendent and Ward 4 Councillor Paul Argenzio said he is in full support of the composting program, adding that anything that will divert waste out of the waste stream is a positive move. RevereTV Spotlight he City of Revere held a Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony outside Revere City Hall this week. As per the city website, this ceremony was to come together as a community to “celebrate African American freedom and resilience with the raising of the Juneteenth fl ag, symbolizing hope and unity.” Special guests and local leaders spoke about the signifi cance of the day and ceremony. RevereTV streamed this event live on the Community Channel and YouTube, but it can be watched daily as it replays at least through the month of June. Mayor Patrick Keefe welcomed the Democratic Whip, Congresswoman Katherine Clark, to Revere last week to announce multiple initiatives that contribute to the future of the city. RTV was able to cover the announcements, which took place at Revere Beach, Jack Satter House and in North Revere. Watch the RTV coverage, which is now playing on the Community Channel, to learn more about Revere’s “Water Quality Report Card,” a grant to improve sustainability and effi ciency at Jack Satter House, and the grand opening of the Lt. John Jones Memorial Park. These videos are also posted to RevereTV’s YouTube page to view at any time. While on YouTube, check out the recording of the Pride Flag Raising Ceremony that took place a few weeks ago. This is currently replaying on the Community Channel every day through June. You can also see coverage of last weekend’s Chalk It Up event put on by Revere Parks & Recreation at Rumney Marsh Academy. In this video, RTV youth correspondent Manique Khessouane will walk you through the sights and sounds of the event. RevereTV is covering all Boston Renegades home games this season at Harry Della Russo Stadium. The team took on the D.C. Divas last Saturday, and the game live streamed on RTV. Watch replays of this game and other home games from this season on the Community Channel on weekend nights. Otherwise, you can fi nd the games in a Boston Renegades playlist on YouTube. Watch all the live streams and latest replays of Revere’s local government meetings on RTV GOV. The Ways and Means Committee held fi scal year budget hearings last week, all of which are now replaying on television. You can also watch the latest from the Aff ordable Housing Trust Fund Committee, Climate Sustainability and Workforce Sub-Committee, Parks and Recreation Sub-Committee and Zoning Board of Appeals. RTV is channel 9 on Comcast and channels 13 and 613 on RCN.

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