THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2024 Page 3 Parks & Rec subcommittee to address park accessibility, safety at public hearing By Barbara Taormina T he City Council’s subcommittee on Youth & Parks and Recreation grappled this week with changes to the ordinance for Revere’s parks and recreation. Councillor-at-Large Juan Pablo Jaramillo and Ward 4 Councillor Paul Argenzio fi led a motion that the city hold a public hearing for the purposes of increasing public safety by expanding recreational opportunities for young people. At the heart of the councillors’ proposal is a revitalization of the city’s Parks Commission. Argenzio said the city’s Parks Commission has existed for years but there were never enough members appointed to make it eff ective. “We’re seeking to restructure this group with diverse members,” said Argenzio. “We think it will make for a healthier exchange with input from the public.” Although public safety and keeping young people focused on sports was the main theme of the proposal, Argenzio also stressed that public fi elds, facilities and open spaces are something every taxpayer has a right to enjoy. “The Parks and Recreation department does an excellent job of renting out fi elds and I wouldn’t want to disturb that,” said Argenzio, who then spoke about an online calendar where residents can check if fi elds or basketball courts are in use and plan accordingly. “We are looking to make the city more accessible to parents and young people,” said Jaramillo. “As we grow, we want to provide tools needed to fully enjoy parks, fi elds and open spaces.” The proposed changes also call for extending the hours lights are on at diff erent facilities, particularly basketball courts. Michael Hinojosa, director of Parks and Recreation, addressed some of the points in the proposal. Hinojosa said renting and reserving fi elds is all done through him and it works without any problems. He worries that if an online calendar says a field is open a dozen teams will rush to it along with families and kids. He didn’t think a live calendar would be useful. As for extending hours, Hinojosa said the problem is that kids don’t leave immediately. And several popular basketball courts are located in residential neighborhoods. Lighting and crowds have been a problem for them. “I do everything possible to make sure kids play,” said Hinojosa. But he went on to say that protecting the city’s assets, such as the stadium, Griswold Park and the turf field at Rumney Marsh Academy, are also part of his job. When left unlocked, dog walkers have tended to misuse those spaces, which is why residents fi nd them locked and inaccessible. Members of the committee agreed on the potential value of having a newly formed Parks Commission that could engage the community and better understand the type of programing Revere families most want. But they were divided on some of the other changes the proposal was calling for. “We all have thoughts and ideas about this,” said Argenzio. “A Parks Commission could discuss these things. As Councillor Jaramillo said, creative thinking could be done.” The committee voted to keep the motion in committee for another round of discussion before moving forward to the full council. Our Lady of Lourdes’ 20th Anniversary Outdoor Mass June 30 O n Sunday, June 30, 2024, at 9 a.m. rain or shine, the community will gather to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the outdoor masses that were started following the closure of Our Lady of Lourdes (OLL) in 2004. Since that time faithful parishioners have gathered together and in a very real sense have continued their spiritual journey at the Beautiful Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto Park, on Endicott Avenue in Beachmont, Revere, right next to the former church, which is still standing. There will be chairs, music and three priests celebrating mass: Fr. Leonardo, parochial vicar at Immaculate Conception; Fr. Thomas Keyes, who was the fi - nal pastor at Our Lady; and Fr. Dr. Priti Amlani Dr. Bhavisha Patel Lawrence A. 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