Page 12 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023 Firefighters Remember Their Brothers and Sisters In 75th Annual Solemn Memorial Service By Tara Vocino R evere Firefighters past and present along with their families remembered those lives lost during the City of Revere’s 75th Memorial Day Exercises on the Charles McMackin lawn on Sunday. In 2022, the Revere Fire Dept. lost Firefighter Frank Ariniello, Captain Curtis Marchand, Captain Eugene Guinasso and Lt. Michael Kippenberger. In 2023, they lost Lt. Paul Ford, Firefighter John Langone, Firefighter Rosario Spagnolo and Father/Chaplain Michael Ferraro. Family members were presented a memorial plaque. Shown from left to right: Ward 3 City Councillor Anthony Cogliandro, Councillor-at-Large candidate Juan Jaramillo, Ward 2 City Councillor Ira Novoselsky, Mayoral Candidate/Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito, Veterans Service Office Director/Councillor-at-Large Marc Silvestri, State Representative Jessica Giannino, Mayoral Candidate/Councillor-at-Large Daniel Rizzo, State Senator Lydia Edwards, Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe Jr., Mayoral Candidate/Councillor-at-Large Gerry Visconti and School Committee Members Michael Ferrante and Stacey Bronsdon-Rizzo. Shown from left to right: Mayoral Candidate/Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito, Veterans Service Officer/Councillor-at-Large Marc Silvestri, Ward 2 City Councillor Ira Novoselsky and Councillor-at-Large candidate Juan Jaramillo. Lt. Michael Kippenberger’s family shown from left to right: nephew Jason Hill, nephew Christopher D’Eramo, sister-in-law Barbara D’Eramo, son Michael Kippenberger, wife Maryellen Kippenberger, daughter-in-law Lauren Kippenberger, grandson Michael Kippenberger and nephew John D’Eramo remembered Lt. Kippenberger, who died in 2022. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Firefighter Frank Ariniello’s family, shown from left to right: son Joel, wife Nancy and Joel’s fiancée, Rebecca Climint, remembered Ariniello, who died in 2022. Pastor of Immaculate Conception Church Father Wellington Oliveira and Fire Chief Chris Bright Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma

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