THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023 Page 13 State Representative Jessica Giannino, who became emotional in remembering her grandfather, who was a firefighter, said firefighters are a family, adding that every year this memorial grows. Retired Fire Lt. Gerry Amore read names in memoriam. Assistant Fire Chief James Cullen presided over the solemn service. Immaculate Conception Pastor Father Wellington Oliveira gave an invocation. Retired Fire Lt. James Caramello read the names of departed members lost in the line of duty. Chelsea Firefighter and Bagpiper Kevin O’Keefe played “Going Home.” State Senator Lydia Edwards said each call is a source of anxiety for family members, who wonder if they’ll come home. Fire Chief Christopher Bright said they are excited about the upcoming Point of Pines Fire Station during Sunday’s Firefighter Memorial Exercises on the Charles McMackin lawn. Shown from left to right: daughter Julianne Skane and girlfriend Megan Scheid remembered Captain Eugene Guinasso, who passed in 2022. Revere Firefighters Local 926 SecretaryTreasurer Lt. Michael O’Hara raised the flag.

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