Your Local News & Sports Online in 6 Languages! Scan & Subscribe Now! Vol. 34, No.4 -FREEwww.advocatenews.net Free Every Friday 781-286-8500 Friday, January 26, 2024 Crime-plagued Lee’s Trailer Park is gone; improvements begin at Winthrop Ave. site Special to Th e Advocate REVERE – Demolition and cleanup are ongoing at the site of the former Lee’s Trailer Park on 418 Winthrop Avenue, ending a problem-plagued 75-year history punctuated by crime and sanitation concerns. The new owner, local development fi rm Helge-Gansett Partners, is removing approximately 103 dilapidated trailers and improving the near 5-acre property. The mobile home area had become a blight on the neighborhood under previous ownership. The collection of rundown trailers had become the frequent source of 911 calls and criminal activity. Revere police and other emergency services were routinely called to the park. Helge-Gansett is planning to replace the trailers with new workforce housing to alleviate the region’s housing crisis. Located only a half mile from the Beachmont MBTA Train Station, the property falls under state legislation enacted in 2020 that encourages the clean-up and redevelopment of properties near transit lines. “Good things are happening in the City of Revere,” said Caleb Manchester, a principal at Helge-Gansett. “We are cleaning up what has become a blemish on the community and hope to replace it with modern, state of the art housing,” he said. “This is signifi cant step forward for ReIMPROVING | SEE Page 15 Local Republicans still backing Trump, not Haley By Barbara Taormina R evere Republicans – yes there are some – seemed optimistic after the recent votes in Iowa and New Hampshire. Residents active in local GOP politics support Donald Trump as the candidate to top the Republican ticket in November. Louis Siriani had a large Trump sign in his yard on the corner of Cushman Avenue. But it was cardboard and eventually wore away. But Siriani has a new Trump sign wrapped up in his living room, waiting for the fall. “I’m pleased Trump is right on top,” said Siriani, who described himself as a military guy and a true-blue patriot. Councillor-at-Large Tony Zambuto was also pleased with the New Hampshire primary results. “Obviously, I’m a Trumper,” said Zambuto. “He was a great president. We had prosperity and world peace; nobody would mess with him.” Republicans agree the biggest issues in the upcoming election are immigration and the economy. “Those are the two most important issues for This is an aerial view of the former Lee’s Trailer Park on 418 Winthrop Ave., which has been the site for fi res, vagrancy and crime. (Courtesy photos) A season of adaptation: Revere High boys basketball team pushes for strong finish in GBL By Dom Nicastro R evere High School boys basketball coach Dave Leary ANTHONY ZAMBUTO Councillor At-Large voters,” said Zambuto. “I see a landslide.” Zambuto said he’s more of a fi scal conservative than a Republican party player, and Revere Republicans seem independent and not swayed by party politics. Siriani said he would support former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley should she manage to steal the nomiBACKING | SEE Page 14 knows his team has work to do. The team is 3-9 after 12 games and wants to finish strong. It is 2-7 in the Greater Boston League. Coach Leary has been focusing on player development and the implementation of an up-tempo playing style. He acknowledges the challenges posed by a highly competitive league. It’s about growth and adaptation for the Patriots. What is the team capable of? Just look what it did in beating Everett, which is 8-3. “That was probably the best game they played all year,” Leary said. “I know Everett was missing one of its top guys, but still, for whatever reason, the kids just get up for that Game every year. For the fi rst few years, we had no success against them, but we were able to steal one from them last year and one from them this year. So hopefully, that means we’re heading in the right direction.” The team has struggled with SPORTS | SEE Page 6 The Pats’ Amir Yemani battled against two Lynnfi eld defenders as he tried to make a play during recent action. (Advocate fi le photo)

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