Page 2 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 2024 A new City of Revere EV Infrastructure Parking and Pricing Policy Special to Th e Advocate T he City of Revere announced its new policy related to Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure siting, parking and pricing structure for City-owned EV charging stations. The new policy was approved on December 21, 2023, by the Revere Traffi c Commission following a public hearing. Beginning February 1, 2024, EV and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) drivers charging at City-owned EV charging stations will pay a fl at rate of $2.50 per hour for up to four hours while the vehicle is plugged into the charging station. The flat rate per hour fee will be adjusted quarterly to refl ect the seasonal utility rates and will help the City cover its costs for providing this service. In addition to the fl at rate fee, a parking penalty of $20.00 has been approved for EV drivers charging for over four hours, EV drivers not actively charging and for non-EV’s parked in designated EV parking spots. The fee table below illustrates the EV Charging Payment and Penalty Structure. The City of Revere owns seven Level 2 EV Charging Stations located in the parking lots at Revere City Hall, the Hill School-Harry Dello Russo Stadium and the Shirley Avenue Municipal lot. The city plans to install additional EV Stations in the future, based on recommendations from a regional Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) expansion study underway in Revere, Chelsea and Winthrop. The City’s Electric Vehicle InCelebrating Our 52nd Year Dan - 1972 We Sell Cigars & Accessories! 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CIGAR 170 REVERE ST., REVERE (781) 289-4959 Chris 2024 City of Revere EV Utility & Parking Penalty Schedule EV-PHEV Utility Fee Over-Stay Fee Parking/NonCharging Penalty* Flat Rate per hour up to four hours $20.00 after four hours Non-EV-PHEV N/A N/A $20.00 $20.00 *A $20.00 parking penalty will be assigned to EV, PHEV and non-EV-PHEV that are parked in a parking bay designated for EV-PHEV CHARGING but not actively charging their vehicles. frastructure Program is co-managed by the Department of Planning & Community Development, the Parking Department and the Parking Advisory Committee. The fl at rate per hour fee will help the City off set utility companies’ supply charges, maintain existing equipment and fund additional EV equipment. The Parking Advisory Committee will monitor the pricing structure for the Cityowned EV Charging Stations and will recommend changes to the pricing as needed. In 2020, the City of Revere installed EV Charging Stations inside of municipal lots along Broadway and Shirley Avenue to promote economic development and green transportation. In the past three years, the city has seen an increase in ownership of EVs among its residents and employees. Usage data from 2022 to 2023 among EV owners plugging into the Cityowned stations showed a 50% increase in use from 2022 to 2023. In 2023 the program provided 106.05 MWh to EV drivers, replacing nearly 2,9 00 gallons of gasoline – equivalent to 25.8 metric tons in greenhouse gas emissions. “We will continue to aggressively pursue opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint,” said Mayor Patrick Keefe. “That includes the installation and maintenance of a network of public EV Charging Stations. Charging a fee for these stations will allow the City to recoup the costs of providing this service, so we can continue to off er EV charging to the general public.” RevereTV Spotlight T he RTV “Game of the Week” for Revere High School Basketball is actually on double duty this week. The studio will be covering two games: one for girls and one for boys. You can rewatch last night’s Girls’ game versus Chelsea now replaying on the Community Channel over the next few weeks. Tune in live tomorrow, Thursday, when the Boys take on Malden. Tomorrow’s game can be watched live on YouTube as well but will then only replay on the Community Channel. Games on YouTube are set to private after the livestreaming until the end of the season so watch all your replays on television until then. The RTV Community Channel is channel 8/1072 on Comcast and 3/614 on RCN. You can still watch the Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration program, as it is scheduled to the Community Channel over this next month. The program features a dynamic roundtable discussion with Revere High School students and city dignitaries. Produced by Revere Public Schools in collaboration with RevereTV, this hour-long show delves into Dr. King’s legacy, focusing on his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech and its contemporary relevance. Elected offi - cials, Human Rights Commissioners and students share insights on racial equality, refl ecting on the 38th anniversary of Dr. King’s national holiday. The event was a powerful exploration of Dr. King’s philosophy and legacy, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and ongoing eff orts for positive change in our REVERETV | SEE Page 5 Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma

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