THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, December 30, 2022 Page 19 SWIM | FROM PAGE 17 shots helped the maroon and gold capture a 28-14 advantage at halftime. In the second half, the Eagles did a much better job of sharing the ball, which led to buckets from both inside the paint and around the periphery. The home team also elevated its defensive intensity and rebounding prowess during the fi nal two quarters. MVRCS’s defense held Nashoba for the remainder of the game and went on to open the season on a high note, with a thrilling triumph. “It was a huge win for us to start the season from a confi - dence standpoint,” said Eagles’ Head Coach Tony Ferullo, who is in his 19th season (26 overall) at the helm of the Mystic Valley hoopsters. “I’m so proud of our team because they played hard and together with a lot of energy from start to fi nish.” To stay up to date with MVRCS boys’ basketball, follow the team on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. MVRCS Eagles boys swimming dominates Concord-Carlisle The Mystic Valley Boys’ Varsity Swimming Team kicked off the 2022-2023 season by traveling to Concord-Carlisle High School EXPERIENCED SNOW PLOW DRIVER FOR DRIVEWAYS $40. PER HOUR PLEASE CALL: 781-521-9927 Your Hometown News Delivered! EVERETT ADVOCATE MALDEN ADVOCATE REVERE ADVOCATE SAUGUS ADVOCATE One year subscription to The Advocate of your choice: $150 per paper in-town per year or $200 per paper out-of-town per year. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City_______________ State_______ Zip ____________ CC# _______________________________ Exp. _____ Sec. code____ Advocate (City):___________________ Clip & Mail Coupon with Credit Card, Check or Money Order to: Advocate Newspapers Inc. PO Box 490407, Everett, MA 02149 to compete at the Beede Center. The Concord-Carlisle boys are considered one of the top teams in the state – coming out of the always strong Dual County League. The Mystic Valley Eagles were up to the challenge though, as a strong mix of upper classmen and freshman led to a dominant Mystic Valley victory of 100-78. The boys’ team started the meet off very similarly to last year with dominance in the 200 Medley relays. The group of Jeremy Cheng, Jason Yan, Aiden Acuna-Rosa and Jaden Anthony won the event in a state cut of 1:43.76. Coming in to a close fi nish with the Concord A team was the boys B team of Ramy Elaafer, Christian Antonucci, Kevin Sodeyama-Cardoso and Armando Indresano. In the 200 freestyle, senior Aiden Acuna-Rosa put up one of the fastest times in the state with a 1:48.66 besting the rest of the competition by more than 10 seconds. Freshman Dylan Phan came in a close third in 1:59.45, missing second place by .03 seconds. In the 200 IM, Jason Yan kept the momentum going with a winning time of 2:08.45, good for another state cut. Freshman Christian Antonucci contributed with a third place finish in 2:19.01, and senior Ramy Elaafer placed fourth in 2:22.84. Next up in the 50 freestyle, Armando Indresano and Jaden Anthony completed a 1-2 fi nish in 22.96 and 24.49, respectively. After the break Jeremy Cheng continued his butterfl y dominance within the state as he fi nished in 52.30 for another state cut and one of the fastest times in the state in this early season. In the 100 freestyle, Armando Indresano and Jaden Anthony combined for a 1-3 fi nish this time to further the Eagles’ lead. In the 500 freestyle, Aiden Acuna Rosa continued a historic fi rst meet as he led the way by almost a full minute, fi nishing in 4:54.62; the next closest fi nish was Kevin Sodeyama-Cardoso in second place. Newcomer Henry Cao contributed with a fourth place fi nish in 5:49.91. Three of the spectacular freshmen paired with veteran Armando Indresano for another win in the 200 freestyle relay. Jaden Anthony, Dylan Phan and Kevin Sodeyama-Cardoso completed one of their fi rst state cuts in the swim. In the 100 backstroke, Jason Yan notched his second state cut of the meet in a time of 58.30. To round out the individual swims, Jeremy Cheng completed a sweep of the Eagles winning every individual event as he took the 100 breaststroke in 1:03.27. “This was exactly what the boys team needed coming off a very successful campaign last year. Our goal is to continue to push the team vs. strong opponents all year so that when we head to states we are truly ready to place within the top 3 again. What a great start!” stated Coach Andrew DiGiacomo. Subscribe to the Advocate Online www.advocatenews.net ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY (NOFA) American Rescue Plan Act Funds Available for Vacant Property Acquisitions NOFA RELEASED: QUESTIONS DUE: ADDENDUM RELEASED: APPLICATIONS DUE: APPLICATION OPENING: DECEMBER 28, 2022 AT 10:00 A.M. JANUARY 23, 2023 AT 10:00 A.M. JANUARY 23, 2023 AT 4:00 P.M. JANUARY 30, 2023 AT 10:00 A.M. JANUARY 30, 2023 AT 10:00 A.M. DELIVER SEALED APPLICATIONS TO: Malden Redevelopment Authority 215 Pleasant Street, Third Floor Malden, MA 02148 The City of Malden has received $45.7 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Local Fiscal Recovery funds and has granted $2 million to the Malden Redevelopment Authority (MRA) to acquire, rehabilitate, and sell vacant properties as affordable homes to income-eligible households. The MRA is accepting applications from qualified applicants for the acquisition of vacant properties. Applicants must be owners of vacant property located in the city of Malden. Applications are available upon request. Applications are due on January 30, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. The City’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD) will review applications for accuracy and completion. OSPCD staff may request additional information after an application has been received. Please submit any application requests or questions in writing to OSPCD Housing Program Coordinator Kristina Tseng at ktseng@cityofmalden.org with “Vacant Properties Acquisition” in the subject line.

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