Page 20 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, December 30, 2022 BHRC | FROM PAGE 18 to comment on her bill. LICENSING OF SECURITY GUARDS (H 3798) – Requires security guards and watchmen to be licensed by the state. Supporters say under current state 1. On Dec. 30, 1809, in Boston, a law was passed forbidding what headwear at balls? 2. What kind of fi sh is Nemo? 3. “Yule-hole” means a belt hole you must make or move to after you have eaten/drank too much over the holidays; this word is native to what country: Australia, Scotland or USA? 4. In December 2022, Joel Strasser of Idaho achieved what Guinness World Record for decorating his beard? 5. On Dec. 31, 2007, what project was completed in Boston? 6. Where on New Year’s Eve is there official confetti with personalized messages from around the world? 7. What holiday do Pastafarians of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster celebrate? 8. In 2022, Coca-Cola suspended operations in what country? 9. On Jan. 1, 1902, the L Street Brownies swim club began where in South Boston? 10. What Scottish poet wrote “Auld Lang Syne”? 11. On Jan. 2, 1893, what famous abolitionist (who once lived in New Bedford and Lynn) spoke at the dedication of the Haitian Pavilion at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago? 12. Why was Bluetooth named after Harald Bluetooth, the 900s Viking King of Denmark? 13. On Jan. 3, 1920, the Red Sox sold Babe Ruth to what team? 14. According to Guinness World Records, a picture of soccer star Lionel Messi doing what recently became the most liked Instagram post? 15. Ralph Waldo Emerson stated, “The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it” – what author used that line to adorn his fi replace in Hartford, Conn.? 16. How many sides does a snowfl ake have? 17. January 4 is National Trivia Day; what game involving trivia debuted in 1981? 18. Do polar bears hibernate? 19. In the World Cup, how many goals did host Qatar score over its three losses? 20. On Jan. 5, 1949, President Harry Truman’s State of the Union address recommended the “Fair Deal,” referencing what program package of his predecessor, Franklin D. Roosevelt? ANSWERS AAA Service • Lockouts Trespass Towing • Roadside Service Junk Car Removal 617-387-6877 26 Garvey St., Everett MDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976 INSPECTIONAL SERVICES 215 Pleasant Street, 3rd Floor Malden, Massachusetts 02148 (781) 397-7000 ext. 2044 MALDEN PLANNING BOARD AND MALDEN CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING The Malden Planning Board and Malden City Council Ordinance Committee will jointly hold a public hearing in the Herbert L. Jackson Council Chamber, Malden City Hall, 215 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 32, Section 050 of the Code of the City of Malden, regarding the petition for the zoning amendment proposed in City Council Paper #516/2022, to further amend the following section of Title 12 of the Code of the City of Malden, as follows: I. Use Regulations (Section 12.12.300): to amend the use regulations for Inclusionary Zoning regarding Alternative Methods of Compliance, Fractional Units (CCP #516/2022). Full text of the proposed zoning amendment (City Council Paper #516/2022) is available for public review on the City of Malden website at https://cityofmalden.legistar.com/Legislation.aspx with the City Planner, Inspectional Services, 3rd floor, and the City Clerk, 2nd Floor, 215 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA. By: Kenneth Antonucci, Clerk Malden Planning Board By: Peg Crowe, Chair Malden City Council Ordinance Committee December 23, 2022 December 30, 2022 law, there is no such thing as a security guard or watchman license. They note that guards and watchmen are regulated through their Massachusetts security employer which is offi cially called a Watch Guard Patrol Agency. Sponsor Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D-Northampton) did not respond to repeated requests by Beacon Hill Roll Call to comment on her bill. EMERGENCY THERMAL BLANKETS (H 3885) – Requires all emergency response vehicles, including ambulances, fi re apparatus, police vehicles and disaster vehicles, to be equipped with emergency thermal blankets—an aluminum fi lm blanket typically used to treat shock or hypothermia by retaining body warmth and preventing heat loss. - LEGAL NOTICE - City of Malden Massachusetts Supporters say that these blankets are invaluable and have saved many lives. Sponsor Rep. Gerard Cassidy (D-Brockton) did not respond to repeated requests by Beacon Hill Roll Call to comment on his bill. QUOTABLE QUOTES “The Hanover High School girls’ soccer team outnumbered the representatives present in Monday morning’s House session, as the House churned through mostly local matters.” ---From the State House News Service on the very light attendance at a recent House session. The Hanover soccer team was being honored asMassachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Division 3 Girls' Soccer Champions. “All we want this holiday season is to return what is rightfully yours. You better watch out; you better not cry. You better not pout; we’re telling you why. Just give us a call today.” ---State Treasurer Deb Goldberg announcing the release of the latest group of names that have been added to the state’s list of unclaimed property owners. See the list and possibly claim your money at www.fi ndmassmoney.com or call 888344-MASS (6277). “This comprehensive support of clean energy solutions in transportation and our existing buildings will lead to a healthier and more sustainable future for the commonwealth. Delivering the reliable benefi ts of clean energy to Massachusetts residents has been the impetus behind our decarbonization work, and I’m thrilled we can make this lasting investment.” ---Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito announcing funding totaling over $100 million to state entities for programs focused on climate readiness and reaching the state’s 2030 and 2050 decarbonization goals. “Homeowners need to be able to count on mortgage companies to provide them with accurate information and BHRC| SEE PAGE 22 OBITUARY Jason D. Sokolowski Of Malden. and Passed away on December 20, 2022. He was 53 years old. Jason was a longtime resident of Malden and formerly of Everett, and was a longtime employee of New England Coff ee in Malden. Jason was the beloved son of Stanley and Barbara (Sullivan) Sokolowski. He was the loving brother of Amie Stone and dear uncle of Patrick Stone. Jason was the nephew of the late Thomas Sullivan. Visiting hours were held at the A. J. Spadafora Funeral Home, 865 Main Street, Malden on Monday December 26th. Relatives and friends were respectfully invited to attend. Interment was private. In lieu of fl owers donations in Jason’s memory may be made at danafarber.jimmyfund.org 1. Masks (Masquerade balls were considered bad for morals.) 2. Clownfi sh 3. Scotland (according to Scottish National Dictionary) 4. The most Christmas baubles in a beard (710) 5. The Big Dig 6. Times Square in NYC 7. “Holiday” (around the time of Hanukah, Kwanzaa and Christmas) 8. Russia 9. Carson Beach 10. Robert Burns 11. Frederick Douglass 12. He was known for bringing together parts of Denmark and Norway, and developing the technology brought some companies together. 13. The Yankees 14. Lifting the World Cup 15. Mark Twain 16. Six 17. Trivial Pursuit 18. No 19. One 20. The New Deal

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