THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 18, 2022 Page 7 Internationally known author Malindo Lo visits Malden High for book presentation Young adult novelist is a National Book Award winner By Steve Freker I nternationally known young adult novelist Malinda Lo engaged with a lively group of students at Malden High School to discuss her newest, award-winning book. “Last Night at the Telegraph Club” is a historical tale set in San Francisco’s Chinatown in the 1950s following a teenage American-born Chinese woman coming to terms with her homosexuality during the McCarthy Red Scare in 1950s San Francisco. Released in 2021, the novel was adapted from a short story she wrote for the 2018 anthology All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages.” A group of about 40 students gathered in the Malden High School library as Lo, a Massachusetts resident, discussed her background and her writing, then read some passages from “Last Night at the Telegraph Club.” Following her reading, Lo fi elded questions from some of the students taking part in the presentation, several of them related to her own background and career. The appearance was coordinated through the eff orts of the Boston Book Festival’s Shelf Help Program and Malden High “Last Night at the Telegraph Club” is available at the Malden High School library. Its author, Malinda Lo, gave a book presentation recently. (Advocate Photo) Award-winning author Malinda Lo speaks at the Malden High School library. (Advocate Photo) School Librarian Mary Liberge. Liberge said it was an honor to have hosted such a prestigious and well-known author and that it was a “great experience” for the students to hear from such a successful professional fi rsthand. In addition to delivering the in-person presentation, Lo brought a large supply of new copies of “Last Night at the Telegraph Club,” which were distributed free to all students in attendance. A supply of the book is still available at no charge at the MHS Library. Several of Lo’s other young adult novels are also on extended Author Malinda Lo is greeted by Malden High School Librarian Mary Liberge. (Advocate Photo) display in the Malden High School library for students to read. Celebrate The Beginning of The Christmas Season at The First Baptist Church First-Ever Joint Advent Services with The Maplewood Baptist Church M alden, Massachusetts, November 2022- The First Baptist Church of Malden and the Maplewood Baptist Church invites the Malden community to join us for a special joint, family-friendly Worship Service on Sunday, November 27th at 11:00 a.m. at the First Baptist Church of Malden, 493 Main Street, celebrating the beginning of the Christmas season, commonly known by the Christian community as Advent. During each of the four Sundays of Advent, leading up to Christmas Sunday, both churches will be joining together in Worship Services led by Pastor Gary McClenthen, Pastor of the Maplewood Baptist Church, for a time of refl ective preparation awaiting the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas. “The story of Bethlehem is a love story.And its 'particulars' completely turn most generally accepted defi nitions of 'love' on their heads.On Sunday, in our worship, we'll start a journey toward a fresh understanding of this wonderful word. We'll stop at Christ's manger, and, then, in the weeks that follow up to Christmas, walk through His miracles, messages, and eventually, the marvelous conquering of death -in hopes of fi nally fi nding what I am calling, "Real Love,” said Pastor Gary McClenthen. “I want to encourage all 'regulars' of both congregations to come with hearts ready to be encouraged.For those of either congregation who may have been away for a while, may I invite you to come back home as well.And for any other, believer or skeptic, who is willing to give faith one more chance, please stop in.You'll be welcomed, just as you are, with open arms!” CELEBRATE | SEE PAGE 9 OUR OFFICE HAS MOVED TO 519 BROADWAY, EVERETT SABATINO INSURANCE AGENCY 519 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 PHONE: (617) 387-7466 FAX: (617) 381-9186 Visit us online at: Rocco Longo, Owner WWW.SABATINO-INS.COM

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