Page 8 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, November 18, 2022 Malden opens applications for resident roles in city climate projects Advocate Staff Report M ayor Gary Christenson is pleased to announce the opening of applications for two opportunities for residents to engage in Malden’s ongoing work to address the impacts of climate change in our city. The fi rst is for the Climate Action Plan Steering Committee. This application will be open from today through December 12 and will help the City of Malden select seven residents to lead the Climate Action Plan’s community engagement phase. The City is particularly seeking residents who can volunteer to serve as liaisons with community organizations in order to help expand the reach of these efforts and create a greater sense of community ownership of the plan. Individual volunteers will receive a $600 stipend, and organizations with a representative member on the Committee will receive a $500 donation. The second is for resident ambassadors on the Wicked Cool Mystic project, who will help edSchiavo Club Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Sunday, November 20 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM All are welcome to attend and enjoy Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner with all the trimmings! Free to everyone! Come Celebrate Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday, Nov. 23 at The Schiavo Club 7:00 PM to Midnight * Free Food! * DJ and Dancing! 71 Tileston Street Everett Both positions are scheduled to start in January. Residents are welcome to apply for both opportunities, and the City plans to conduct the projects in close coordination with one another. “This is an important step forGreen Malden logo ucate their neighbors and community members about urban heat island impacts, help lead various meetings and educational events and help design outdoor cooling solutions. This application is open through December 31, and chosen volunteers will receive $1,000 stipends. This project is being conducted in partnership with the Mystic River Watershed Association. ward in Malden’s eff orts to battle climate change,” said Mayor Gary Christenson. “Getting the right team in place to lead our eff orts will be essential for preparing our community for the extreme weather we’re going to see in the coming decades.” “I look forward to working closely with the residents selected for these positions,” said Councillor-at-Large Carey McDonald, who is Chair of the Energy Effi ciency and Sustainability Commission. “The people who volunteer to take on these responsibilities will be essential partners in making sure that our work is focused on environmental justice and equity from start to fi nish.” All interested residents are encouraged to apply to these opportunities, and anyone with questions is welcome to reach out to the City at greenmalden@ cityofmalden.org. More information about the stipends and responsibilities can be found at the application links. These projects are being managed by Malden’s Offi ce of Strategic Planning and Community Development in partnership with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and the Mystic River Watershed Association. Events at the Melrose Arts and Crafts Society O n October 15, the Melrose Arts & Crafts Society held its annual Exhibit and Sale at First Congregational Church in Melrose. Many items were donated by the members for display and sale. Also, demonstrations of various arts and crafts were held throughout the day. Complimentary snacks and beverages were served. The Society would like to thank all who attended and also the very generous and talented members who made this year’s Exhibit and Sale so successful. The Monthly November meeting will be held on November 21 at First Baptist Church (561 Main St. in Melrose) from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. A representative from SDM, a local foundation making computers easy for everyone, will talk and answer questions about computer security. The classes for this month will be given by Lori Rossi – on makARTS | SEE PAGE 14 Monogram D4 Double siding Cedar impression half rounds Harvey Vinyl 64 Replacement Windows Custom Aluminum Trim work Windows & Doors Top quality Vinyl Siding! •Vinyl Siding •Carpentry Work •Decks •Roofing •Free Estimates •Replacement Windows •Fully Licensed •Fully Insured

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