Page 6 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, September 20, 2024 ~ Malden Musings ~ Malden Girls Win 2003 LL State Championship Revisited By Peter Levine I n the better late than never department... My main man Bobby “Bobby D” DeVincentis reached out to gauge my interest in reliving the glory days of 2003. The 20year anniversary (last July 2023) of the girls in the picture winning the State Championship in the Little League Tournament – a year late; but better late than never, as they say, so here we are celebrating the 21st anniversary of these fi ne young athletes winning a title! Congratulations, gals, on the anniversary of this historic event! Bobby D. remembers it this way: “We matched up (I believe) with Worcester American in Winchendon winning a 2-1 8 inning game. Kaitlyn DeVincentis pitched the entire game throwing a 3 hitter, striking out 8. Playing solid D behind KD were shortstop Krystle O’Brien, center fi elder Anna Rigano, fi rst base person Keri Burgess, Sierra Gomes and Rachel Timmons holding the fort behind the dish. Off ensively for Malden Krystle, Sarah Graffam, Nicole Bolduc and Marina Rigano came up big for the Blue and Gold. The fi nal play of the game with Malden up 2-1 with a runner on 3rd with 2 outs on a passed ball Rachel (Timmons) from the backstop fl ipped the ball to Kaitlyn D at home for the fi nal out to win the 2003 Little League Senior Championship. Other girls contributing that day and all season actually were Raquel Sully, Ashley Guerriero and Maggie McCue. Amazing true fact, this team was undefeated in Massachusetts and didn’t lose a game until the regional tournament in CT.” How ’bout that 621 Tavern & Grille (right next door to the best packy on the North Shore, M & M Liquors)?! In days of olde it was the beloved “Roadside,” managing to survive and fl ourish over the decades despite the public’s fi ckle eating and drinking tastes – as well as ever-changing demographics throughout Malden. Kudos and thank you to the 621 and to the “First Family of Maplewood” – the pride of Webster Street – the DeVincentis, for remaining one of the last bastions in Malden “where everybody knows your name.” (“Patrick’s,” I haven’t forgotten about you.) A recent visit to the 621, sitting at the bar, brought a welcome visit from the host with the most, longtime Levine family friend Bobby D. BD greeted us with that great big DeVincentis smile along with the trademark DeVincentis fi rm handshake (a handshake worthy of his legendary dad, Joe Sr. btw). The pizzaiolo we devoured that night brought back memories of family road trips to the Regina in the North End in the 1960s – best in Malden since the Highland Café. (I hear tell the Salemwood Grille served a mean pie back in the 1950s/60s.) Can’t say enough good things about the 621’s outstanding ‘Za or any of the other Italian goodies and more they serve – always delizioso. Thank you for remaining in Malden, serving awesome pizza pie and (most of all) staying true to your Malden roots by being a place where old(er) geezers like me and Joe, Terry Mathews, Panama, Ralphie Kelley and Tommy Lubin are still remembered! It is said in “Malden Musings”... • Mazel Tov and congratulaMid-grade Regular $3.73 2.87 64 35 Over 45 Years of Excellence! Full Service $2.87 Order online at angelosoil.com tions to State Rep Paul Donato on his landslide victory a couple of weeks back for the state rep position he has done so well for all these years. Just goes to show, keep it local, pay attention to “kitchen table” issues, unite, do not divide, and keep it real – your constituency will reward you year after year. Keep up the great work, Paul, and we’ll all keep dancing with Mr. D! • Just in case Joe Crowley from Pisa Pizza is reading, Malden fell in love with your pizza (and you) the day you opened your doors, and we are still in love with all that you have done in the past, and all that you will do in the future. And you have the best employees! Hi Mary! Hi Jamie! As Peter Falk’s iconic TV character Columbo would say, “Just one more thing, sir” – congratulations to loyal “Malden MusFront row: Rachel Timmons, Sarah Graff am, Kaitlyn DeVincentis, Nicole Bolduc, Sierra Gomes, Keri Burgess. Back row: Mgr. Bob DeVincentis, Ashley Guerriero, Marina Rigano, Raquel Sully, Pres. Bob Miller, Krystle O’Brien, Coach Jack Curry, Maggie McCue, Anna Rigano. ings” readers Edwin and Carol Wood on their recent 70th Wedding Anniversary! Ed/Carol, fi rst off , we have (at least) two mutual friends, Mayor Gary “Beast Slayer” Christenson and Earl “The Pearl” Barter – really good friends to have! Also, I have been pallys with your terrifi c son Bobby for decades! Lessee... Ed and Carol were high school sweethearts, both graduating from MHS in 1951 and marrying in 1954 at the Sacred Heart Church in the Square next door to Topsy’s Chicken (no longer there, of course). In ’51, coach (Ed) Melanson’s Golden Tornados went 6-3 and beat back Meff a in the Thanksgiving Day game, 7-0. But Coach Wettergreen’s Golden Gale hoop team did not fare as well, going 6-9. Not to go down a rat hole, but the star hoopster on that squad was somebody I got to know later in life, not on the hoop court, but as coworkers at Faulkner Mfg. on Eastern Avenue. Both Moyle “Duke” Langille and I rolled awnings together for a couple of years, and believe me, “Duke” was what we called a “real character.” He would regale us with his hoop exploits at MHS (scored 42 one game against Quincy) and ya know what? Didn’t believe a word he said until we stopped working together and I spoke with a contemporary of his who confi rmed Moyle’s hoop prowess. In 1951, Jerry Romano (he of “Monkey Corner” fame) was class president and is one good looking dude! Beloved (future) MHS baseball Coach Frank Adorn is playing first on the baseball team (he later converted to catcher and is now enshrined in the MHS Athletic HOF). “Tall and attractive” Stella (Dantes) Pinkham is an adorable senior whose hobbies are swimming and skating. Happy belated birthday, by the way, Stella!! And look at Sheldon Lockhart with that fi ery red hair!! But I digress... according to his high school bio, Edwin L. Wood “is the good-looking fellow with the nice smile and happy laugh that sets everyone at ease.” He’s also a “nice dresser,” works “faithfully at Publix Market” and “loves to bowl.” Carol M. Kilgallon’s “love of stenography” fi nds her “doing an effi cient job as Mrs. Snow’s secretary” and “any office will welcome her gladly (when she graduates.)” Geez, I think the Blue & Gold staff could have been a bit more creative with your bio Carol (insert smiley face). Congratulations again to this lovely couple. Meanwhile, outside of Malden in 1954 the New York Yankees’ Mickey Mantle earned $21,000 for the year; Dean Martin’s “That’s Amore” was all the rage; the first Godzilla movie premiered in Tokyo; gangster “Machine Gun” Kelly died; and John “Vinny Barbarino” Travolta was born. While... back in 1954 Malden three events of note culled from the Malden Evening News: • In May newly minted V.F.W. Commander Torbert Macdonald “accompanied by his beautiful movie star wife Phyllis Brooks” was congratulated by guest speaker Senator John F. Kennedy at the Malden post’s installation ceremony. • Malden Post 16, Italian American World War Veterans Club observed the fi rst anniversary of the opening of the $75,000 clubhouse on Oakland Street. A banquet attended by 350 members included “guests, wives, and sweethearts.” Greetings were extended by Past Commander Anthony Spadafora acting for General Chairman Daniel J. Gennetti, who was unable to attend because of a serious illness in the family. • May 18, 1954: “It is said in MUSINGS| SEE PAGE 19

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