ASST | FROM PAGE 1 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, September 20, 2024 12 years. members of the MPS community, “Prior to working at DESE, Ms. Bhasin was a highly eff ective middle school principal for over a decade, most recently in the Lawrence Public Schools,” he stated in his message to the district staff . “Before becoming a school leader, she was a middle school science teacher and also taught phonics-based reading interventions.” At DESE, Bhasin oversaw the Kaleidoscope Collective and Deeper Learning Initiatives. Previously, she served as the principal of UP Academy Leonard, a district public school with Lawrence Public Schools. As principal, she led a school previously placed in state takeover for chronic underperformance to achieve “Level One Status.” Before that, she was the principal of Excel Academy Charter School in East Boston and also previously worked in school-turnaround initiatives in greater New Orleans, La., which focused on methods and practices to restore operational stability in the New Orleans region in the aftermath of the destructive Hurricane Katrina. Bhasin appeared at the podium after being introduced by the Superintendent at the School Committee meeting. “I’m just honored and excited to be part of this team and deeply committed to the success of students of Malden,” she told the School Committee members and the audience. “Thank you for the opportunity to work here and I look forward to our collaboration in the future.” New Superintendent will be part of a statewide collaborative providing mentoring and support Superintendent Dr. Sippel reported at the first School Committee meeting that he is participating in the Mass. Association of School Superintendents (M.A.S.S.) New Superintendent Induction Program (NSIP), which is a threeyear program providing mentorship, instruction and support to At the School Committee meeting, Beebe School students and others spoke out on curriculum cuts and how it aff ects students this school year. (Courtesy Photo/Malden Public Schools) new superintendents statewide. NSIP is a collaboration between DESE and M.A.S.S. DESE and other state resources provide the bulk of the funding for the program. The mission of the program includes: “By teaching replicable best practices, providing expert coaching that goes well beyond mentoring, and off ering multiple opportunities for deep collaboration with peers, NSIP helps superintendents sharpen their focus on teaching and learning, transform their visions into positive student outcomes, and become successful instructional leaders capable of promoting substantive and realistic change at the school level.” At the September 9 School Committee meeting, Dr. Sippel introduced his coach from the NSIP program, Cynthia Paris, who attended the meeting and came to the podium to greet the School Committee and audience – and reported he had already attended meetings in collaboration with the program. According to its Program Structure statement, outlined on its website – www.masssupt.org – “NSIP seeks to ensure that each superintendent begins their fi rst year with a strong entry plan for engaging stakeholders and gathering the information needed to develop a widely-understood and focused strategy to accelerate student learning.” This is believed to be one of the fi rst times a newly hired Malden Superintendent of Schools has participated in the NSIP program, which has been in place for about Many lament elimination of Band and Spanish classes at Beebe School Several speakers spoke out against elimination of Band and Spanish classes at the Beebe K-8 School this school year at the Malden School Committee meeting. Some of the speakers were students from the Beebe School, who said they were disappointed with the elimination of the instruction at their school, having enjoyed the classes the previous school year. Also included among the speakers who spoke out against the elimination of the Music/Band classes were Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan, whose ward includes the Beebe School and whose child attends the school, and Deb Gesualdo, President of the Malden Education Association (MEA), herself a Malden Public Schools Music Teacher at the middle school level at Malden’s Linden STEAM Academy. Councillor Linehan told the School Committee she also had a music program, having earned a Music Studies scholarship to the University of Connecticut in her college years. Malden High School Graduation Day for 2025 changed from June 8 to June 1 At the School Committee meeting (September 9), the members voted unanimously on the motion of Vice Chairperson Jennifer Spadafora (Ward 3) to amend the offi cial Malden Public Schools calendar. Specifi cally, the School Committee voted to change the date of the Malden High School Graduation Day for the Senior Class of 2025 to Sunday, June 1 from Sunday, June 8. The previous MPS central administration had set Graduation Day a week later than the traditional fi rst Sunday in June date, due to what ruled in reference to learning time hours. A review has been held since the start of the new academic year and the change was made. Author Talk at the Malden Public Library Page 7 Au t h o r Applefi eld A J a n e t S i ng e r uthor Janet Singer Applefi eld will be at the Malden Public Library on Monday, September 23, from 6-7 p.m. to discuss her book “Becoming Janet: Finding Myself in the Holocaust.” Her book will be available for purchase at the event. Registration not required but requested – https://bit.ly/mpl-applefi eld From janetapplefi eld.com: “Arriving in America in 1947, 12 year-old Gustawa Singer carried the heaviness of the threeyear wartime separation from her father. Desperate to piece together their stolen years, he sat her down and meticulousGerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? 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