THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, June 16, 2023 Page 15 Shown from left to right: Class Vice President Daniel Nguyen, of Malden, plans to attend UMass Amherst to study chemistry and neuroscience to become a neurosurgeon; Class President Asal Bahrampouri, of Malden, plans to attend UMass Amherst to study bio and premed to become a cardiologist; Class Secretary Chloe Jones, of Stoneham, plans to attend UConn to study biology, marketing and management, and Class Treasurer Caroline Crowley, of Medford, plans to attend UCAB. Graduates switched their tassels from right to left. Valedictorian Caroline Crowley, of Medford, who earned a 4.87 GPA, plans to attend the University of California at Berkeley to study environmental economics and policy to work with renewable energy, and Salutatorian Eric Wang, of Malden, who earned a 4.77 GPA, plans to attend Yale University to study computer science to become a software engineer. Dukens Maurin, of Saugus, plans to attend Worcester Polytechnic Institute to study computer science. Jack Tracey and Sean Jost, both dressed as Mario, congratulated Melrose resident Robert Tracey. He is going to Suffolk University to study political science. Shiv Patel, of Saugus, plans to study biochemistry at Northeastern University to become a neurologist. Danni Marie Hughes, of Everett., shook hands with Assistant Director Zachary Shahan. She plans to play lacrosse at Colby-Sawyer College, where she intends to study environmental science. Teacher Denise Carroll was recognized for her decades of service to the school. Members of the Mystic Valley Band performed the Pledge of Allegiance. Eudora Desir, of Everett, crossed the stage. Class Vice President Daniel Nguyen, of Malden, plans to attend UMass Amherst to study chemistry and neuroscience to become a neurosurgeon. Pictured here he is receiving his diploma from Superintendent Alexander Dan. Families of the graduates packed the bleachers.

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