Page 10 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 17, 2024 Sen. Lewis announces Virtual Office Hours for May S tate Senator Jason Lewis will be holding Virtual Offi ce Hours on Monday, May 20, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Any constituent of Senator Lewis is welcome to attend Offi ce Hours, with no appointment necessary, to discuss any personal issue or legislative feedback with the Senator and his staff . Virtual Offi ce Hours are held on Zoom. Each constituent meets privately with the Senator during the Zoom session. To join the meeting please visit SenatorJasonLewis.com, use the following link, or enter the meeting information on Zoom: Jason Lewis State Senator https://us06web.zoom.us/ j/83854164671?pwd=eWZWQWU0VkZjcE9XSXl5Rk1BRVd5Zz09 Meeting ID: 838 5416 4671 Passcode: 234270 Senator Lewis also holds regular in-person Office Hours in each community of his district (Malden, Melrose, Reading, Stoneham, Wakefi eld and Winchester). For further information or any questions, visit SenatorJasonLewis.com or contact his State House offi ce at 617-722-1206 or Jason.Lewis@masenate.gov. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net A Letter to the Malden Community This is a photo submitted by Anne D’Urso-Rose for the Malden Mass. Memories Road Show. Circa 1990, staff and crew from Malden Access Television (MATV) are shown setting up for a shoot at Macdonald Stadium. Anne (at that time a volunteer) is standing second from left. MATV Technical Director John Luvender is shown kneeling with equipment. O n behalf of Urban Media Arts (UMA) and Malden Reads, I am writing to thank the community members who came out to be part of the Malden Mass. Memories Road Show on April 27. Thank you for sharing your treasured photos and stories that will now be part of a digital online archive for future generations. Thank you also to the City of Malden for their collaboration and support on this project, and to the Malden Public Library for partnering and hosting a Local History table at the event. Thank you to our amazing group of volunteers, including students from the Malden High School Key Club, YWCA TASK program, and young adults from the Greater Malden Asian American Community Coalition. In collaboration with local planning teams, the Healey Library at UMass Boston has been carrying out the Mass. Memories Road Show initiative in cities and towns throughout the Commonwealth for over two decades, creating a “snapshot” of each community told through the stories and photos of its people. The goal of each Road Show event is to get as close to an accurate representation of the community as possible. On April 27, we had a steady stream of community members come through the doors to share their photos and memories. Many who came lived in Malden all their lives, others recently moved here, and others (like myself, who moved here as an adult 37 years ago) have lived here a long time, but are not natives. There were young and old, diff erent cultures, languages and backgrounds. People brought photos of weddings and children’s parties and fi rst communions, Malden community events, and snapshots from homelands from across the globe. What was special about the event was that people walked in the door and were immediately sharing their story with another person who didn’t know them – telling about important moments in their lives. The story sharing took place throughout the day. I learned about people I didn’t know and learned more about people I’ve known for years. Our completed archive will take a few months before it is online. Urban Media Arts, in partnership with Malden Reads, will work to highlight these photos and stories to continue to share our community story which is ever unfolding. Our city is in a time of signifi cant transition and, for some, it is not always easy to reconcile what Malden was and what it is becoming. But one can also see that Malden has always been in transition, since it became a city 375 years ago. The story of our city, as well as our individual stories, are what holds us together as, and makes us, a community. UMA is here to connect, celebrate, document and archive our community stories through media and the arts. Our thanks to the community for engaging in this collaborative project. Signed, Anne D’Urso-Rose Associate Director, Urban Media Arts Co-facilitator, Malden Reads: One City, One Book

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