THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, May 17, 2024 Page 11 Malden Mass. Memories Road Show Photo Highlights Girls from the Malden YWCA TASK program worked a long day at the Welcome table, also contributing their photos and stories to the Road Show event. Diana Jeong (at table on right) assists a community member with telling the story behind the photos he submitted. Longtime resident Paul Sieswerda (on right) has his photos scanned for the archive by Mass. Memories Road Show volunteers. On the screen, you can see the old Dandy Donuts of Malden Square. Mayor Gary Christenson (on left) has a hard time selecting only three photos from the selection he brought to the event. The Bridge Recovery Center Program Director Tim Perry shares his photos and stories with a Mass. Memories Road Show volunteer. Longtime resident and educator William Dempsey is shown with Mary Ellen O’Meara – telling the stories behind his photos through the optional video recording at the event. Event goers could learn about Malden’s history. Pictured from left to right: Linda Thorsen and Jane Hill (Malden Historical Society) and Ryan Reed (Malden Public Library). Youth volunteers worked a long day at the registration desk, registering community members that came to contribute photos and stories. Malden resident Steve Rose has one of his photos scanned for the archive – a 2014 photo taken after a weekend of making maple syrup from backyard maple trees and a visit from Mayor Gary Christenson, who got to taste the final product.

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