THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, April 30, 2021 Page 15 PRESENTATION | FROM PAGE 12 their lavish way of life possible. Containing the only known freestanding slave quarters in New England, the museum uses the history of a local slave trading family to tell the silenced history of Northern slavery and the North’s role in the global slave trade. More importantly, the museum centers on the lives and labor of enslaved people to tell a complex story about resistance and freedom and demonstrate how Black people were crucial to ending slavery in Massachusetts. On Wednesday, May 26 at 6:30 p.m., Malden Public Library Director Dora St. Martin will present a talk, “Black Lives (enslaved and free) in Colonial Malden.” The talk will share results from an ongoing research project to restore a view into the lives and work of enslaved and free Blacks in Malden’s early history. As part COMMISSION | FROM PAGE 11 affordable, accessible early education and childcare are indispensable, this commission has a unique opportunity to lay out a roadmap for bold, transformative policy action.” The commission includes representation from legislators as well as leaders from a cross-section of the Commonwealth, including the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, the Commissioner of Early Education and Care, the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, Open Center for Children, YMCA, Eastern Bank, Dell Technologies, Massachusetts Association of Early Education and Care, Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership, Massachusetts Head Start Association, Massachusetts Business Roundtable, Black Economic Council of Massachusetts, Strategies for Children, Massachusetts Association for the Education of Young Children, The Community Group, SEIU 509 and BayCoast Bank. The commission VOLUNTEERS | FROM PAGE 7 tact and friendly conversation; an Email Correspondence, for online engagement with others via technology; and a Friendly Visitor Program, in which the consumer receives home visits (when safe to do so) that focus on in-person socialization and companionship. If you would like to learn more about volunteering for the Social Engagement Program, please contact Leah Mulrenan at 781-388-2375 or lmulrenan@ of Malden Declaration Day (May 27), the talk will also highlight the lives of Black colonial soldiers from Malden and their contribution to the American War of Independence. The project is funded in part by Revisiting the Founding Era, a four-year national initiative of the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History presented in partnership with the American Library Association and the National Constitution Center, with generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities; additional funds are provided by the Friends of the Malden Public Library. Register in advance for this meeting at meeting/register/tJUocOGspzgqHtwKvUS47BYs9wk2JlxO3vOu or visit the Malden Public Library Events Calendar at https://maldenpubliclibrary. org/browse-mpl/events-programs/. will be holding public meetings and seeking input from all stakeholders in the early education and childcare sector, and it is expected to present its findings and recommendations by the end of this year. ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ MALDEN PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING The Malden Planning Board will virtually and remotely hold a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 on the petition of 200 Exchange LLC (Permit Application # COO-036825-2021) for a special permit under Section 12.12.030 of Chapter 12, Revised Ordinances of 2020 as Amended of the City of Malden, to allow research & development use and/or light manufacturing use of property in the Central Business zoning district, namely, the building containing approximately 324,000 square feet of gross floor area on four floors, at the property known as and numbered 200 Exchange Street, Malden, MA, and also known by City Assessor’s Parcel ID #051 278 801. Petitions and plans are available for public review on the City website at By: Kenneth Antonucci, Clerk In accordance with Governor Baker’s March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and Governor’ Baker’s March 23, 2020 Revised Guidance on Order by the Governor Prohibiting Assemblage of More than Ten People, this hearing will be virtual and conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. No in-person attendance by members of the public will be permitted, and all effort will be made to permit remote public attendance and participation in this virtual hearing via technological means, in the manner specified below, and if available, via public broadcast of the meeting by Malden Access Cable Television on public access television channels. Additional information/guidelines for the public can be found here: Members of the public who wish to attend virtually and participate remotely may do so using the following information: Please click the link below to join the webinar: Webinar ID: 957 3395 4533 Passcode: 077591 Or Dial by Telephone based on your current location: US: +1 929 436 2866 or +1 646 518 9805 International numbers available: If you would like to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact Maria Luise, ADA Compliance Coordinator at or 781-397-7000, Ext 2005. April 23 & April 30, 2021 City of Malden holds Recovery Coach Academy M ayor Gary Christenson and Police Chief Kevin Molis recently thanked and congratulated graduates who completed a Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) Coach Academy despite the COVID pandemic. This is the second online training program in six months. Addiction Recovery Resource Specialist Paul Hammersley of Substance Abuse Prevention Services at the Malden Board of Health and Recovery Coaches Dawna Aiello and Richie Evans organized the effort that was sponsored by Malden’s Board of Health through a grant from RIZE Massachusetts. Conducted fully remotely, following two nights of interviews 20 participants were selected to participate in the 30-hour training program that took place over four days and included advocacy, mentoring/education, mental health, ethical considerations, cultural competencies, wellness/recovery and motivational training. CCAR trainer Ginger Ross, Nicole O’Brien and Alex Fidalgo conducted the training.
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