Maldden alld a Vol. 31, No. 16 den AADD -FREEBy Malden Mayor Gary Christenson and Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan W e want to share an update on Malden’s efforts to transform the recently decommissioned Malden District Courthouse on Summer Street into the Malden Center for Arts and Culture. Last May, Mayor Christenson formed a Steering Committee led by Ward 3 Councillor Amanda Linehan and a diverse coalition of arts and cultural leaders and practitioners. The Committee has been collaborating with Malden’s Offi ce of Strategic Planning and Community Development, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, Boston Society for Architecture, UX Architecture Studio, and Silverman Trykowski Associates to create a “concept plan” based on broad community input. This plan will help determine what kinds CULTURAL CENTER | SEE PAGE 18 Amanda Linehan Ward 3 Councillor www.advocatenews.net Malden courts artists for new Cultural Center Join us at the Courthouse Arts Festival on Saturday, May 14 Celebrating 31 years of local news in Malden CTE OCAT AT Published Every Friday 617-387-2200 Gary Christenson Mayor Pictured from left to right: Oak Grove Improvement Association Vice President Bonnie Galayda, Association President Carol Melle, Mayor Gary Christenson and Association member Susan Kelley assembled spring baskets at City Hall on Saturday. (Advocate photo by Tara Vocino) By Tara Vocino O n Saturday morning at City Hall, the Oak Grove Improvement Association assembled 60 spring baskets and 57 candy bags for Bread of Life attendees and children temporarily housed in motels. Tornados fall in squeaker to Revere, 3-2 The association is dedicated to the development and improvement of the city of Malden while actively supporting its residents by stimulating the use of the city’s resources and services, according to association Vice President Bonnie Galayda. The preservation of the Oak Grove Community Building is part of their larger mission as well. One reason why the Oak Grove Improvement Association does things like creating 60 Easter/spring baskets for children living temporarily in NEEDY | SEE PAGE 9 Lots of local history, love of art and community accompanies return of Blue and Gold Gallery MHS art teacher Maryann Seager, who retires this year, has led the popular event for 22 years By Steve Freker T o say that coordinating the annual Blue and Gold Gallery is a “labor of love” for longtime Malden High School art teacher Maryann Seager would be quite accurate. It would also be missing some other parts of the equation for Seager, who is RETURN | SEE PAGE 13 E Friday, April 22, 2022 Oak Grove Improvement Assoc. assembles 60 spring baskets, 57 candy bags for Bread of Life and local needy children Tornado first baseman Shai Cohen looks to tag out Revere’s Olie Svendson during the GBL matchup in Revere on Monday. See pages 14-15 for photo highlights. (Advocate photo by Emily Harney)

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