Page 20 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, March 18, 2022 Pandemic waning but not over By Christopher Roberson D espite growing vaccination rates, which have allowed mask mandates to be rolled back, the fact remains that COVID-19 is still out there. “The number of cases per day is still in the hundreds,” said Dr. Robert Klugman of UMass Memorial Hospital. “We are not yet fully out of the woods. The BA.2 variant is on the march and may cause a signifi cant bump in cases.” Klugman also said 54 percent of the state’s 7.1 million residents have received booster shots and that 5.4 million residents are fully vaccinated. Nationally, he said, the vaccination rate is nearly 90 percent. However, the vaccines have proven to be more eff ective in terms of controlling the severity of the virus rather than preventing it. In addition, Klugman called attention to the global population. “If we look at the outbreak in China and other poorly vaccinated countries, we know there will continue to be outbreaks and also new variants to contend with,” he said. With masking and social distancing becoming more relaxed, Klugman said, the chances of contracting COVID-19 will now be determined by a person’s level of exposure. “Outdoors is generally safe. Big box ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Essex Probate and Family Court 36 Federal Street Salem, MA 01970 (978) 744-1020 Docket No. ES21A0317AD In the matter of: Josiah Jy’el Jacobs To: any unnamed or unknown parent and persons interested in a petition for the adoption of said child and to the Department of Children and Families of said Commonwealth. 280 Merrimac St., 2nd fl., Lawrence, MA 01843 CITATION G.L. c. 210, §6 A peitition has been presented to said court by: Tania Ricot-Genty of Haverhill, MA Guy Joseph Genty requesting for leave to adopt said child and that the name of the child be changed to: Josiah J’yel Ricot-Butler If you object to this adoption you are entitled to the appointment of an attorney if you are an indigent person. An indigent person is defined by SJC Rule 3:10. The definition includes but is not limited to persons receiving TAFDC, EACDC, poverty related veteran’s benefits, Medicaid, and SSI. The Court will determine if you are indigent. Contact an Assistant Judicial Case Manager or Adoption Clerk of the Court on or before the date listed below to obtain the necessary forms. IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT AT: Salem ON OR BEFORE TEN O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON: 04/18/2022 WITNESS, Jennifer M.R. Ulwick, First Justice of this Court. Date: January 28, 2022 PAMELA CASEY O’BRIEN REGISTER OF PROBATE March 4, 2022 March 11, 2022 March 18, 2022 stores, supermarkets are generally safe,” he said. “Bistros, bars, boutiques – less so. Those at increased risk of hospitalization, whether boosted or not, should continue to be more cautious. Omicron and its cousin BA.2 are highly contagious.” Looking back to March 2020, Klugman said there was almost nothing that could have been done to prevent the onset of COVID-19. “The U.S. had dismantled most of its epidemiologic and pandemic resources. Battling a pandemic is not each country for itself, but requires a global eff ort,” he said. “Pandemics are marathons, not sprints, and governments need to plan for the long haul.” Dr. Brian Chow, director of the Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program at Tufts Medical Center, said the pandemic will not be over until worldwide immunity is achieved. “While cases in PROMPOSAL DAY | FROM PAGE 5 MHS Prom planned for May 27 at Boston Park Plaza The Senior Class leaders are planning on hosting an exciting, traditional social highlight of their high school years at the venerable Boston Park Plaza Hotel ballroom on Friday, May 27. However, a potential roadblock constructed of dollar signs seriously threatened plans for this most magical of nights. For practical and safety reasons, it has been determined that all prom-going students must be transported by privately hired buses on the 9.1-mile trip from Malden High School to the prom site at Boston Park Plaza. The night’s agenda is that prom-goers participate in the pre-prom “Red Carpet” highlight at Malden High at 4:30 p.m., then travel to the prom venue for photos, dinner and dancing beginning at 7:00 p.m. The cost of that transportation item quickly arose as a bona fi de “budget-buster” for the evening’s events. According to Principal Mastrangelo, the estimate was in the neighborhood of $5,000. Mastrangelo told The Advocate this fi gure would have made the cost of prom tickets for the MHS couples soar astronomically, most likely putting REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS BUYER1 Casey, James M Pereira, Rui Hernandez, Cynthia BUYER2 Pereira, Luis SELLER1 SELLER2 Beantown Realty Group LLC Melillo, Conce� a Humanity Greater Boston Massachusetts are falling, cases are rising elsewhere in the world,” he said. “As long as there are new infections, there is the possibility of new strains emerging and spreading.” Chow also refl ected on what he and his colleagues have learned during the past two years. “We now have precedent for rapidly developing vaccines using the mRNA platform and the ability to create PCR [polymerase chain reaction] tests,” he said. “It’s certainly possible to respond faster to these situations with the technology we have now.” However, Chow said burnout rates have hit record high levels among healthcare workers. “First and foremost, we are constantly reminded that the healthcare system runs on people,” he said. “These people do not have infi nite capacity to take on more work.” In addition, Chow said pandemic prevention will be a challenging endeavor. “Bringing a local epidemic under control and preventing it from becoming a pandemic depends on early detection,” he said. “It’s much harder to do these when it’s a completely new infectious disease and we don’t have treatments we know to be eff ective.” Dr. Sabrina Assoumou, an infectious diseases physician at Boston Medical Center, said Massachusetts continues to move “in the right direction.” However, the same cannot be said for countries overseas. “If we’ve learned one lesson about this pandemic, it’s that we’re all connected,” she said. Assoumou also spoke about the importance of having proactive leadership. “Leadership matters; it’s so important when you’re dealing with a pandemic,” she said. “You can lose control very quickly.” MHS Principal Chris Mastrangelo described the rough road the Senior Class of 2022 has ridden in terms of fundraising during the past two years of COVID-19. the price out of reach for some. Mayor Christenson soon learned of this money problem and mentioned it during his regular directors’ meeting late last week. Mayor: ‘One phone call... and the issue was solved’ “It took one phone call,” the Mayor told The Advocate Tuesday, “and the issue was solved.” Malden Facilities Director Eric Rubin contacted Town Line Luxury Lanes/Mixx360 Nightlife of Malden owner Anthony DeCotis and told him about the shortfall in the Senior Class of 2022’s budget. DeCotis immediately agreed to donate the generous sum of $5,000 to cover the cost of the prom buses. MHS Prom Night was absolutely a go! “Once again, Anthony DeCotis stepped up to help some Malden citizens in need,” Mayor Christenson told a group of Malden High students and Malden Public Schools administrators who met with the Town Line Luxury Lanes owner in the Mayor’s Offi ce on Tuesday afternoon. “That is the type of business owner we have here in the city of Malden.” On hand for the gathering Tuesday, along with Mayor Christenson, Facilities Director Rubin and DeCotis, were Malden Superintendent of Schools Dr. Ligia Noriega-Murphy, Principal Mastrangelo, Class of 2022 Advisor Dan Jurkowski, Senior Class Offi cers and other members of the prom planning committee. “We are so grateful to Mr. DeCotis for his generosity is PROMPOSAL DAY| SEE PAGE 21 Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com. ADDRESS CITY 180-182 Lebanon St Malden 33 Earl St 964 Main St Malden Malden DATE 28.02.2022 23.02.2022 23.02.2022 PRICE $1 020 000,00 $849 000,00 $625 000,00

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