THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, March 18, 2022 Page 21 RESOLUTIONS | FROM PAGE 9 “Isn’t this a federal issue?” asked Councillor Condon. “We’re the Malden City Council. Where does this go if we vote for this? What would this solve?” Councillor McDonald responded, “Alone? This would aff ect nothing at all. We want to send this to our federal lawmakers (Congresswoman Katherine Clark, U.S. Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren) as part of an aligned strategy.” Condon: ‘I’m not in favor of open borders’ “I understand it’s a problem, but we shouldn’t be allowing anyone into the country who is not prepared to go on a direct route for citizenship. Everyone should be vetted,” Councillor Condon said. “Some of those people who are trying to cross the borders in Mexico, I hope they aren’t allowed in this country,” Councillor Condon added. “I’m not in favor of open borders and I’m not in favor of accepting everyone into this country. That’s why you vet people.” Ward 6 Councillor Stephen Winslow diff ered. “We should remove this unnecessary barrier for allowing Haitians into this country,” he said. “Here in Malden we welcomed thousands of Haitians into our city and our schools after the [2010] Haitian earthquake. “Here in Malden, the Haitian people who have come here have been a wonderful addition to our population,” Councillor Winslow said. “There is a really powerful case being made from the Haitian community aff ected to support this,” said Councillor Linehan. “There has been a misapplication of public health data. They can’t make the case this [denying asylum applications] is tied to the pandemic anymore.” O’Malley: ‘They’re not asking for special treatment’ “These people aren’t asking for special treatment,” Councillor O’Malley said, in support of the resolution. “All they’re asking for is a return to U.S. and international law as it was applied before the pandemic.” Ward 7 Councillor Chris Simonelli asked if the Malden-based resolution could be amended to include all people seeking asylum, not just Haitians. Councillor McDonald agreed to do so. City Council President Spadafora said he was not in favor of the resolution because “We’re not out of COVID yet. Basically, this resolution is having us tell the federal government, ‘We don’t believe your [public health] data.” “I believe in asylum... but I believe in scientifi c data and I believe in public health. I am not against people from Haiti – or a lot of other places around the world – trying to enter the country, but I do not support going against a federal law designed to protect public health,” Councillor Spadafora added. The resolution passed, 8-2, with Councillors McDonald, Linehan, Winslow and O’Malley joined by Councillors Peg Crowe (Ward 1), Barbara Murphy (Ward 5), Simonelli and Jadeane Sica (Ward 8) voting in favor, with Condon and Spadafora voting against. PROMPOSAL DAY | FROM PAGE 20 helping make these kids’ dream come true, of having a wonderful Prom in a fantastic venue,” Mastrangelo told all in attendance on Tuesday. “These members of the Senior Class have gone through so much and missed a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic of the past two years.” Fundraising for Senior Class of 2022 took a big hit during COVID-19 pandemic Mastrangelo noted that the continuous fundraising eff orts of the Class of 2022 – nearly all of which are geared toward lowering the cost of the Senior Prom – “really took a big hit during the pandemic, since there was such a lack of opportunities for so long of a time for holding any live fundraising events.” Mastrangelo also noted a compelling point regarding the Senior Class of 2022: They are the only Class at Malden High that has gone a full year of in-person learning, due to the changes to remote learning during the pandemic, as it was during their freshman year, 2018-19. “We really had to struggle to raise every dollar possible, but these students learned a lot about life – and how to deal with adversity,” Class Advisor Dan Jurkowski said Tuesday. Several of the students on hand, including Class Officer Sami Nie and Tony Giech, thanked DeCotis for his generous donation: a $5,000 check he presented at Tuesday’s gathering. For his part, the Town Line Luxury Lanes owner said he was happy to help the Malden High seniors with their prom costs, considering what they have gone through during the pandemic. “I have three children myself and have seen fi rsthand what you all have gone through with remote learning, in school some time and out of school other times,” DeCotis told the MHS students and personnel who gathered on Tuesday. He also noted that times had been tough as a business owner, like so many others locally and around the world, with shutdowns and other obstacles for the past two years. “We have all gone through so much, but we have to be ready to help each other,” said DeCotis, who has become well-known locally for his generous support of individuals and groups for many years through his business, which is located at 665 Broadway (Route 99) in Malden. “I am happy that you will be able to have a special night for the Prom in May,” he told the students. “You all deserve to make those memories you’ll never forget.” For Rent Everett 3 Bdr. - 1st Floor Nice Hardwood Flooring We follow Social Distancing Guidelines! No Smoking, No Pets Close to Public Trans. 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