Page 10 THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 19, 2024 37th Observance of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther By Tara Vocino R ev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 95th birthday and the 37th observation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day was celebrated at Emmanuel Baptist Church on Monday. Mayor Gary Christenson encouraged people to do acts of service for their community. Malden’s elected offi cials, including Mayor Gary Christenson, State Sen. Jason Lewis, State Reps. Steve Ultrino and Paul Donato, former city councillor Neal Anderson as well as city council and school committee members were present for the 37th Observance of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Malden Catholic High School senior Ortello Hamilton off ered refl ections. Malden Catholic High School Community, Culture and Equity Dean/event coorganizer Erga Pierette gave a welcoming address. United Conser v a tiv e Christian Church Reverend Paul McPheeters prayed for the commonwealth. Joan Hensey Lovett gave the hours of the GC Jefferson Food Pantry. First Church of the Nazarene Reverend Gerry Whetstone said the Malden Warming Center lives out King’s mission by practicing hospitality. Former Ward 7 City Councillor/ event co-organizer Neal Anderson introduced a video from US Senator Elizabeth Warren.

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