THE MALDEN ADVOCATE–Friday, January 19, 2024 Page 11 King, Jr. Day keeps MLK's dream alive Event co-organizer Eric Henry led a responsive reading. Zion Baptist Church Youth and Young Adults Pastor Reverend Dr. Andre Bennett is shown giving the keynote address. Councillor Craig Spadafora and Pastor Wayne Gadie, both far right, joined in. (Courtesy photo, Forestdale School Principal Adam Weldai) Reverend Wayne Gadie gave the invocation and statement of purpose. US Senator Ed Markey offered his remarks via Zoom. State Representative Steven Ultrino asked how we can continue service beyond Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. State Representative Paul Donato offered his remarks. Event co-organizer Eric Henry raised his fist in “lift every voice and sing.” State Senator Jason Lewis gave statistics on black and brown communities during Monday’s Martin Luther King Jr. ceremony at Emmanuel Baptist Church. Josè Fortunato Fernandes sang “He’s got the whole world in His hands” in Portuguese. Counci l President Ci ty Councillor Stephen Winslow asked how to keep King’s dream alive. Amanda Cooper from Malden Catholic shared what Martin Luther means to her. St. John’s Baptist Church Reverend Ryan Tankersley prayed for the nation. Members of the Malden High Step Team performed, “All Together, One Together.” Mikayla Wilson, Neldy and Willis Rose from Emmanuel Baptist Church gave a youth presentation. Reverend David Kilpatrick stated that knew Rev. Dr. King Jr. personally. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Shown from left to right: Lara Thom, Reverend Wayne Gadie and Councillor-At-Large/event co-host Karen Colón Hayes. She introduced the keynote speaker. (Courtesy photo, event co-organizer Karen Colón-Hayes)

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