Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 4, 2022 ~ Excellence in the EPS ~ All you can greet: EHS students, supt. spend an evening with Kiwanians Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani (third from left) and Everett Kiwanis Club members are pictured during the Annual Pasta Dinner on October 26 at the Connolly Center. S c h o o l C o m m i t t e e member Millie Cardello, Superin tendent Priya Tahiliani, and former City Councillor Rosa DiFlorio Key Club members were joined by Advisor Winter Abboud and Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani during the Kiwanis Club Annual Pasta Dinner. ESL Director Brittany Hay is pictured with ESL Coordinators Melissa Browne, Alyssa Allen, Olivia Cifrino and Elizabeth Ross and ILC Director of Development Mark Correia. Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani was joined by Keverian School PTO member Christine Reno and her son at last week’s Kiwanis Club Annual Pasta Dinner. S Webster School student Alex Tiznado Pleitez prepared to take the microphone from Principal Christopher Barrett and lead the school in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Wildcat Pledge. This is a daily tradition at the Webster School and a regular part of morning announcements. uperintendent Priya Tahiliani and the Everett Public Schools (EPS) extend their sincerest gratitude to the Everett Kiwanis Club for including Everett High School Key Club members in Wednesday’s Annual Pasta Dinner at the Connolly Center. The Key Club members, led by advisor Winter Abboud, sold baked goods and beverages during the event. Club members were also available to help the Kiwanians throughout the threehour, all-you-can eat dinner fundraiser. Proceeds help the Kiwanis Club maintain its roEPS Community Engagement Manager Jeanette Velez and Family Liaison David Capera Sanchez attended the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Better Together Strengthening Family School Partnership Summit on Friday, October 28. Velez appeared on a panel for the workshop “The Wonderful World of Our Family Liaisons.” Also pictured is DESE Family Engagement Specialist Olga M. Lopez, M. Ed. bust scholarship program that benefits EHS graduates every June. The event was a huge success – more than 250 residents enjoyed the delicious pasta dinner. “It was great to see our students engage with the Kiwanians and help ensure the success of this special annual event,” said Superintendent Tahiliani. “The Kiwanis Club is the embodiment of a community partner, one that provides a wide range of support to our students.” Retired Everett High School Administrative Assistant Linda Maloney and her granddaughter said hello to Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani at the Connolly Center.

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