THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 4, 2022 Page 15 Kiwanis Club annual Pasta Dinner raises money for scholarships and charity By Tara Vocino Members of the Kiwanis Club and volunteers served a pasta dinner at the Connolly Center on Wednesday. Far left, pictured from left to right: Michelle Capone, Kiwanis Club Treasurer Marlene Zizza, Supt. Priya Tahiliani, Catarina Patterson and Kiwanis President Stephanie Martins. In back, pictured from left to right: Peter Conti, David O’Neil, Fred Capone and Pat Roberto. Front middle, pictured from left to right: Darius and Christine Reno, Lou Morelli, Tom Fiorentino, John Mackey, Frank Mastrocola, Gerri Miranda, Rocco Longo, Joanne Parris, and Key Club volunteer Adam Penaflor. T he Kiwanis Club raised money for scholarships and charities during their annual pasta dinner on Wednesday at the Connolly Center. Pictured from left to right: Kiwanis Club Lt. Gov. John Mattuchio, member James Schetta, guest Janet Eagan and 58-year member Charles Rodsa checked guests in at the door. Everett High School Key Club members — Seated from left to right: Abby Medilme, Shane Fitzgibbon and Alyssa Parziale. Middle row pictured from left to right: Naika Fleurant Jules, Woodjanna Tondreau, Alexa Hall, Kirtsy Hall, Gurkiran Kaur, Julia Barbosa, Jhennifer Cesario and Anthony Masucci. In back, Adam Penaflor. Key Club Co Advisor Winter Abboud and Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani, both far left, joined in the Key Club photo. Seated, pictured from left to right: Chicy Navarra, Cristina Ventolieri, Zeak, Rachel Dischino and Grace Boulian. Standing, pictured from left to right: Donald Ventolieri and Christina Callahan around the dinner table. Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani with Christine and Darius Reno. Pictured from left to right: Kiwanis Club longtime member Joseph Cataldo, Kiwanis Club Past President Thomas Fiorentino, Kiwanis Club member Geri Miranda and volunteer Adam Penaflor served pasta. In front of the Kiwanis International flag were: Gina Maniscalco and Amata Cucuzza, at top. Seated, pictured from left to right: Elvira and Giuseppe Cataldo with Tricia Larocca. Pictured from left to right: volunteer Catarina Patterson, Geri Miranda, Kiwanis Club Past President Joseph Cataldo, Kiwanis Club President Stephanie Martins and Kiwanis Club Board Of Directors member John Mackey during Wednesday’s Kiwanis Club pasta dinner at the Connolly Center. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Kiwanis Club board of directors member, Past President Joanne Parris welcomed guests.

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