Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 4, 2022 City of Everett Celebrates Italian American Heritage Month Mayor Carlo DeMaria spoke at the podium. All of the event’s participants and attendees gathered in front of the Italian flag after the ceremony concluded. State Senator Sal DiDomenico spoke at the podium. State Rep. Joe McGonagle spoke at the podium. A large crowd gathered in front of City Hall on Church Street to view the ceremony. Alber to Mustone from the Boston District of the Committees of Italians Abroad spoke at the podium. The celebration continued at the Orsogna Plaza in Everett after the flag raising ceremony. Special to The Advocate Keynote speaker Liliana Taurasi Rizza spoke about her experience as an Italian immigrant at the podium. he City of Everett held its flag raising and celebration in honor of Italian American Heritage Month on the corT ner of Church Street and Broadway at Everett City Hall. Italian American Heritage Month is celebrated during the month of October to recognize the achievements and cultural contributions of Italian Americans to the United States. As part of Mayor DeMaria’s Everett For Everyone initiative, the City of Everett held its own celebration in recognition of the month. The emcee of the event was Mayor Carlo DeMaria, who welcomed attendees to the event and opened the ceremony with a prayer from Father Khiet Dang Cao, who is the Vicar at St. Anthony’s Parish. After, the mayor asked atSharon Zeffero sang the Italian and American national anthems outside of City Hall. The Italian flag flying high at Everett City Hall. tendees to join him in a moment of silence for Italian American and U.S. Army Cpl. Ray Cavicchio performing in front of City Hall. Seabreeze performing for attendees. Joseph J. Puopolo before beginning the celebration. Puopolo, when he was 19, served in the Korean War. He was captured and died in February 1951 as a prisoner of war. He was accounted for this past August and was laid to rest alongside other members of his family. Mayor DeMaria, who is an Italian American, began by speaking about the importance of family to Italian culture and reflected on his parent’s journey to the United States. “Family is at the center of everything we do. It’s at the heart of who we are,” said Mayor DeMaria. “When I think about beCELEBRATES | SEE PAGE 11

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