THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, NOVEmbER 4, 2022 Page 11 City’s Halloween Bash at Everett Rec was scary fun T Advocate Staff Report he City of Everett recently hosted its annuThe Everett Recreation Center hosted the spookiest party of the year. al Halloween Bash at the Everett Recreation Center. There was no shortage of treats and lots of fun for the over 1,000 attendees at the Recreation Center. Attendees were treated to a bouncy castle, train rides, candy apples, popcorn, face painting, balloon creations, pumpkins and the chance to decorate them, spooky photos and plenty of delicious candy. The Everett community wore their spookiest costumes and joined together to celebrate the scariest time of year. Mayor Car lo DeMar ia would like to thank everyone who attended, as well as participants who made this event successful. Event participants that donated their time and services are Eliot Family Resource Center, Everett Fire Department, Joint Committee for Children’s Health Care in Everett, Mass. State Police and The Well Coffee House. The party was also outside in the parking lot of the Everett Recreation Center. Attendees were able to take a ride on the train around the track of Glendale Park. CELEBRATES | FROM PAGE 10 ing an Italian American, my thoughts always go to my parents and the journey that brought them here.” The mayor also spoke about how Italians know the importance of family, appreciating their history, embracing their values and being proud of their culture and how it connects with every other culture in the community. “Every person here today can identify with these human qualities,” said Mayor DeMaria. “They are part of my Italian heritage, but they are just as much a part of every culture that we celebrate in our community. These are the great things about each one of us that bind us together and make us one.” After the opening address, there were remarks from State Senator Sal DiDomenico, State Rep. Joe McGonagle, Alberto Mustone from the Boston District of the Committees of Italians Abroad and Liliana Taurasi Rizza. Following the speakers, Sharon Zeffero accompanied by Ray Cavicchio performed the Italian and American national anthems while the Italian flag was being raised to fly high at City Hall. Immediately after the ceremony was finished, attendees were invited to continue the celebration at the Orsogna Plaza to enjoy Italian food, drinks and Italian music performed by Seabreeze. The event was a tremendous success and allowed for community members of all cultures and backgrounds to come together to learn more and celebrate Italian American Heritage Month. Mayor DeMaria would like to thank all the attendees and participants who made this event successful.

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