Page 14 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 20, 2023 Our “Award-Winning” Supt. Of S State Department of Education’s MC indicating the percentage of student Medford Peabody Malden Grade 3-8 Math 2021 2022 2023 26 32 36 27 31 33 24 31 32 Somerville 24 33 33 Revere Boston Everett 17 27 26 20 24 26 14 22 20 % of students meeting & exceeding expectations 40 30 20 10 0 2021 Medford Malden Revere Everett 2022 Peabody Somerville Boston 2023 50 Medford Peabody Malden Grade 3-8 ELA 2021 2022 2023 45 40 40 41 36 36 37 30 32 Somerville 41 41 39 Revere Boston Everett 35 28 26 31 29 29 24 21 22 % of students meeting & exceeding expectations 7 37.5 52. 25 3 12.5 17. 0 2021 2022 2023 Medford Malden Revere Peabody Somerville Boston Everett Everett Schools N Code Red! Code Red! The Everett Public School system has flatlined! After reviewing the MCAS scores over the past three years for all grade levels in both English-Language Arts and Math, the results are shocking. Everett is performing lower than our surrounding cities, including Boston, but also has been stagnant. The results of the scores have minimally changed over this time. A flat line. The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System, or MCAS, is the only set of standardized tests used to measure public school students’ performance by meeting or exceeding the expectations of the curriculum. The test is also analyzed by the districts to measure the health and vitality of their curriculum. These scores are used to identify strengths and weaknesses within the school system and the curriculum is adjusted accordingly. After the test scores are analyzed by the Department of Education, an accountability report is published listing each school building throughout the Commonwealth and categorizes them into “schools that require assistance” and “schools that do not require assistance.” Everett’s Keverian School was categorized as needing assistance. Assistance can mean a number of things. The people of Everett have not heard a word from the superintendent about the necessary assistance for the Keverian School. Everett’s scores in the Grades 3-8 Math category, went from only 14 percent meeting or exceeding expectations in 2021 to 20 percent in 2023, peaking at 22 percent in 2022. This shows only about one-fifth of our students are meeting the curriculum requirements.

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