THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 20, 2023 Page 15 Schools Priya Tahiliani’s Results t S CAS Results for 2021, 2022, and 2023 ts exceeding & meeting expectations. Medford Peabody Malden Somerville Revere Boston Everett Grade 10 Math 2021 2022 2023 61 53 52 44 35 36 42 42 39 40 41 37 38 36 25 38 41 39 23 24 23 % of students meeting & exceeding expectations 70 70 70 Medford Peabody Malden Somerville Revere Boston Everett Grade 10 ELA 2021 2022 2023 61 53 52 58 43 42 54 48 51 53 56 53 53 47 41 45 47 47 41 36 33 % of students meeting & exceeding expectations 2.5 .5 52.5 35 35 35 7.5 .5 17.5 0 0 0 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 Medford Malden Revere N Peabody Somerville Boston Everett Need Resuscitation Everett’s biggest weakness and most dramatic decrease in scores was in the Grade 10 English-Language Arts category. In 2021, 41 percent were performing at or better than curriculum expectations as opposed to only 33 percent in 2023. Grade 10 Math and Grades 3-8 English-Language Arts scores were both around 20 percent each year, showing no progress or changes that have been made to the curriculum. When results dramatically show regression, stop-gap measures must be put in place to prevent further regression. What do you do when everything is stagnant, a “flat line”? Bring in a new superintendent! During the October 3, 2023 School Committee Meeting, member Samantha Lambert made the motion to end the use of the MCAS test. Eliminating the test is not the answer. It is the only form of accountability and performance for teachers and administration authorized by the Commonwealth. If these were eliminated, the public would never know that the Keverian School is underperforming and needs more assistance. We would never know that only one-fifth of our students are understanding the basic curriculum and that no action has been taken to increase that number over the last three years. Do the parents really want this level of attention being taken from our children’s education? Changes should be made to the curriculum and to the teaching methods to better ensure learning is taking place in our schools. Medford Malden Revere Peabody Somerville Boston Everett

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