THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 14, 2022 Page 11 EHS teachers, pastors, police offi cers and domestic violence survivors participate in domestic violence vigil By Tara Vocino E verett High School teachers, domestic violence survivors, police offi cers, pastors and other community members celebrated Domestic Violence Awareness Month – held annually in October – during a vigil at the Police Station last Thursday afternoon. —Tara Vocino may be reached at printjournalist1@gmail.com. Last Thursday afternoon’s guests, including Everett High School teacher Desirae Peary and domestic violence survivors Gina Maniscalco, Amata Cucuzza and Elvira Cataldo, as well as Eliot Family Resource Center Program Director Liliana Patino, are shown during a domestic violence vigil at the Police Station. Domestic violence survivor Gina Maniscalco shared her story. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) POLITICAL SCAMS | FROM PAGE 10 chance to participate in elections is lost. Midterm election cybersecurity tips: • See prizes as a red fl ag. Legitimate pollsters don’t usualZion Church Ministries Senior Pastor Bishop Robert Brown said the community must work alongside the police department to help fight domestic violence. ly off er a prize for completing a survey. • Know what pollsters don’t need. They might ask for demographic information or what party you most align with, but they don’t need personal information like birth dates, social security numbers or fi nanPortal To Hope Executive Director Deborah Fallon is shown during last Thursday afternoon’s domestic violence vigil at the Police Station. cial information. No state off ers voter registration by phone. • Don’t answer unknown numbers. Con artists can’t trick you if they can’t get in touch. • Listen to your gut. If something seems off , protect yourself. If in doubt, check with your local election offi ce. Police Chief Steven Mazzie said recognizing emotions for all genders is important to help stop domestic violence. • Don’t provide information in response to an unsolicited message. The entities that need your account and personal information already have them. • Do report suspicious activities to BBB’s Scam Tracker (https://www.bbb.org/scamDomestic violence survivor Amata Cucuzza, whose mother Ersilia Cataldo Matarazzo died at the hands of domestic violence, said she and her family hope to bring a glimpse of hope. tracker/reportscam). BBB provides tips for understanding and managing cybersecurity risks during the 2022 midterms and every other season. To learn more, check out our cybersecurity resources page: https://www.bbb.org/all/ cyber-security-resources. Put Your Success To Work. Your next smart decision is what to do with your success. Easy choice, multiply it. 1.50%APY* Business Money Market Ask about our in-office business concierge service. *New Money Only. Minimum Deposit to earn interest is $50,000. For existing Everett Bank Business customers, an additional deposit of $10,000 is required.

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