Page 12 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, OCTObER 14, 2022 Malden and Everett Chamber of Commerce attend multi-chamber healthcare forum By Tara Vocino M embers of the Malden and Everett Chamber of Commerce held a multi-chamber healthcare forum breakfast at Anthony’s of Malden on Wednesday. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) State Rep. Joseph McGonagle said he’s always there for Everett High School students, as they pursue their careers. Everett High School students, who intern in the healthcare sector are shown with the multi-chamber members on Wednesday morning. Shown back row, pictured from left to right: Christopher Mumbi, Taneja Elie, Giacobbe Ward, Karmarri Ellerbee, Rocco Navarrette Ortiz. Front row, pictured from left to right: Julia Curran, Geralisha Jacquet, Diana Flores, Camilla Benitez Escobar, Salma Abderazzak and Mariaisabel Rojas Quiceno with teachers JulieAnn Whitson and Amanda Pierce, alongside Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Cheryl Smith, Chamber assistant Linda Maloney, State Rep. Joseph McGonagle, and president Daniel Cameron. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Ambulatory Operations Director Kelina Orlando, MBA, spoke about how the pandemic and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act has changed healthcare. Speakers, pictured from left to right: Greg Wilmot, Kelly Orlando, Jeanette McWilliams, Assad Sayah, Dennis Cataldo, Daniel Cameron and moderator David Morales, from Wednesday’s ceremony. Cambridge Health Alliance Chief Executive Officer Assaad Sayah, MD, FACEP, spoke about what the healthcare sector learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. MelroseWakefield Healthcare Corporate Communications Director Lori Howley spoke about how to collaborate with neighboring agencies during Wednesday’s Everett/ multi-chamber Chamber of Commerce healthcare forum breakfast at Anthony’s of Malden. Everett Chamber of Commerce President Daniel Cameron welcomed guests. East Boston Neighborhood Healthcare Center President Greg Wilmot spoke about health equity. Moderator David Morales asked the panelists questions. Pictured from left to right: Chelsea Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jennifer Hassell, Melrose Assistant to the Director Kelly Lecomte, Melrose Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Stephanie Nelson, Everett Chamber of Commerce Director Cheryl Smith, Everett Chamber Assistant Linda Maloney, Malden Executive Director Jean Ford Mongeau, and Medford Chamber Coordinator Laura O’Neill. Massachusetts General Hospital Chelsea Healthcare Center Senior Administrative Director Jeanette McWilliams said they have to provide patients with the best care and timing possible.

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