Page 22 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, SEpTEmbER 4, 2020 Greater Boston League undecided on next move for Fall sports GbL cities in 'Red' listing may force move by member ADs, principals By Steve Freker "A ll for one and one for all" could be the theme for the members of the Greater Boston League (GBL) this school year, which has been proven to be topsy-turvy at best, when it has come to high school sports in this era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nothing is certain at this time, however, since all of the school and city officials involved in the decision are in agreement on just how the league should proceed, according to reports. Malden Public Schools Director of Athletics, Physical Education and Health Charlie Conefrey told the Malden School Committee last week that the GBL powers-that-be are considering moving some or all fall sports to the newCity of Everett PLANNING BOARD 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 ly-designated "Fall 2" season, which is tentatively set for the period February 22, 2021-April 25, 2021. The Greater Boston League consists of fi ve full members, the public high schools of Everett, Malden, Medford, Revere and Somerville, as well as a sixth school, Chelsea High School, which is at present an independent. Chelsea is designated as a scheduling partLEGAL NOTICE EVERETT PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Hearing on the following application by Everett Holdings LLC c/o The Grossman Companies Property located at: 1690 Revere Beach Parkway Site Plan Review & Inclusionary Zoning Special Permits & Special Permits In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L Chapter 40A, Section 19 and Section 33 (Commercial Triangle Economic Development District) of the Everett Zoning Ordinance, the Everett Planning Board will conduct a virtual public hearing on Monday, September 14, 2020 at 7:00 PM online to be viewed on YouTube (Link:, to consider the above-listed application in connection with the Special Permit and Site Plan Review proposal to build 800 transit-oriented development residential units with 15,000 sq. of commercial space (5,000 sq. feet located in Chelsea) with three of the buildings in Everett and one in Chelsea as shown on plans entitled “Proposed Site Documents for Grossman Companies, Inc, Proposed Mixed-Use Development” (the “Site Plan”) on a parcel shown on the Site Plan, being a parcel of land referenced by Assessor’s Department as K0-04-000084 located in the Commercial Triangle Economic Development District. In Accordance with Section 32, 40 of the 800 units are proposed to be affordable units. In accordance with Section 33, the applicant will be seeking Special Permits for necessary dimensional relief including, at time of application, from side yard setback (10 ft. minimum required, minimum of 4 ft by SP, request at 4.8 feet) per Sec. 33 F.3, allowable height (request at 92 feet for Building One, maximum at 100 ft) per Sec. 33. F.5, Floor Area Ratio (request at 4.7:1, Special Permit allowed for up to 6:1) per Sec 33. F.6, and reduction of required parking (923 spaces required, 906 spaces proposed) as per Sec. 30 G(4) of the Everett Zoning Ordinance. The specifics of that relief may change during the public hearing process. The applications with narrative and the Site Plan were received on July 30, 2020. The plans are entitled “Proposed Site Documents for Grossman Companies, Inc, Proposed Mixed-Use Development” were prepared by Bohler, 45 Franklin St, 5th Floor, Boston MA 02110 in association with Bargmann Hendrie + Archetype, Inc, Brown + Sardina, & Vanasse & Associates, Inc. A copy of the application and plans are on file and available in the Office of the City Clerk and the Department of Planning and Development, both located at City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149 and can be inspected online anytime at Planning-Board and/or by request during regular City Hall business hours. All persons interested or wishing to be heard on the proposal should appear at the time and place designated above. As items may be continued to later dates, please contact Shane O’Brien of the Department of Planning & Development at Shane.O’ or 617-944-0236 before attending with any concerns or questions. Frederick Cafasso, Chairman August 28 & September 4, 2020 ner of the GBL schools for the 2020-21 school year and is planned to join the GBL as a full league member in the fall of 2021 for the 2021-22 school year. Several meetings on the issue of "What will GBL Fall Sports look like" have been held at various school and city levels, including this week, but a final decision has yet to be reached, Conefrey said Wednesday. The main point of contention is whether or not GBL schools will compete in games, in any individual sports, this tradiLEAGUE | SEE PAGE 23 Malden Public Schools Director of Athletics, Physical Education and Health Charlie Conefrey is also chairman of the MIAA's District G and a fi rst-year member of the MIAA's Board of Directors. (Courtesy Photo/MHS Blue and Gold)
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