THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, SEpTEmbER 4, 2020 Page 23 LEAGUE | FROM PAGE 22 tional fall season, or would fall sports all be pushed to the "Fall 2" season designation. A major part of the conversation is the recent color-coded system released by the offi ce of Governor Charlie Baker has rated individual communities according to the rate of COVID-19 transmission and the risk level existing in that community. "Red" is the "highest risk" for a community, meaning there are more than 8 COVID-19 cases reported per 100,000 residents. "Yellow" is "moderate risk" with 4-8 cases per 100,000 and "Green" is "lower risk" or under four cases per 100,000 residents. Unshaded are fi ve or fewer total active COVID-19 cases, According to MIAA-adopted guidelines, in conjunction with state guidance, cities and towns coded "Red," or high risk, are not allowed to participate in high school athletics. As of Wednesday, the latest report issued by the Executive Offi ce of Environmental Aff airs (EEA), three of the six GBL communities, Chelsea, Everett and Revere were three of the eight statewide listed in the "Red" category. The other three, Malden, Medford and Somerville, were designated "Yellow". At the School Committee meeting, Conefrey acknowledged that this was a year like no other, in which an entire season, Spring Sports this year, was canceled outright due to COVID-19. "This is not going to be like any athletic year we have ever seen before," said Conefrey, who is beginning his fi fth year as Director of Athletics. "We are looking for new and innovative ways to deal with our student-athletes and we really hope it changes for the better. "But we are not going to make any decision, not one move, unless it is fully and completely in the best interests, safety, and physical and emotional health of our students, coaches, staff and their families," Conefrey said. By the directive of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Board of Directors, the high school athletic calendar on August 14 was changed to provide for four sports seasons, as opposed to the traditional three: Fall, Winter and Spring. The MIAA Board accepted recommendations of its Sports Medicine Committee and other committees before voting in favor of the four-season plan, Coincidentally, Conefrey just began his fi rst year as a member of the MIAA Board of DirecCITY OF EVERETT ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ PUBLIC HEARING FOR PETITION FROM EXTENET, LLC To all parties interested in the public hearing. Be it hereby ordered: EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new riser located on pole #567 to new manhole located on 2nd Street. (9.19’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on 2nd Street to new manhole located on Broadway. (36.3’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new manhole located on Main Street to new manhole located on Appleton Street. (110.15’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Appleton Street to new riser located on Pole #101 on Appleton Street. (19.67’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new manhole located on Ferry Street to new manhole located on Bolster Street. (100.76’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Bolster Street to new riser located on Pole #2369 on Bolster Street. (4.38’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new riser on pole #3551 located on Cherry Street to new manhole located on Cherry Street. (7.07’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Cherry Street to new manhole located on Ferry Street. (254.5’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new manhole located on Broadway to new manhole located on School Street. (167.64’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new manhole located on Cherry Street to new manhole located on Ferry Street. (254.5’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Ferry Street to new manhole located on Ferry Street. (61.1’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Ferry Street to new manhole located on Reed Avenue (310.4’ long trench) Install new conduit from new manhole located on Vernal Street to new manhole located on Ferry Street. (74.3’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Ferry Street to new manhole located on Ferry Street. (104.63’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Ferry Street to new manhole located on Bolster Street. (100.76’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new manhole located on School Street to new manhole located on Main Street. (195.5’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Main Street to new manhole located on Main Street. (125.29’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Main Street to new manhole located on West Street. (216.19’ long trench) Install new conduit from new manhole located on Oakes Street to new manhole located on Main Street. (188.92’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Main Street to new manhole located on Main Street. (352.39’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Main Street to new manhole located on Main Street. (286.49’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Main Street to new manhole located on Main Street. (19.54’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Main Street to new manhole located on Main Street. (119.11’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Main Street to new manhole located on Appleton Street. (110.15’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new manhole located on Broadway to new manhole located on Morris Street. (128.39’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Morris Street to new riser on pole #352 located on Morris Street. (13.72’ long trench) EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new riser on pole #014173 located on Oakes Street to new manhole located on Oakes Street. (11.36’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Oakes Street to new manhole located on Main Street. (188.92’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new manhole located on Ferry Street to new manhole located on Reed Avenue. (310.45’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Reed Avenue to new riser on pole #3117 located on Reed Avenue. (6.5’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new riser on pole #1 located on School Street to new manhole located on School Street. (23.12’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on School Street to new manhole located on Main Street. (195.5’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new manhole located on Vernal Street to new manhole located on Ferry Street. (74.3’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new manhole located on Main Street to new manhole located on West Street. (216.19’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on West Street to new riser on pole #1250 located on West Street. (13.49’ long trench). EXTENET, LLC to install new conduit from new riser on pole #520 located on Chestnut Street to new manhole located on Chestnut Street. (6.1’ long trench). Install new conduit from new manhole located on Chestnut Street to new manhole located on Broadway. Hearing to be held Monday, September 28, 2020 at 7:00pm. Join Zoom Meeting by inserting the below in your web browser. 5133 5436 You may watch in on You may also call in to listen and or comment on the public hearing portion at +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 913 5133 5436 Septemeber 4, 2020
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